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五年级英语教案:Where is it?(1)

2016.03.09 16:01

  教案是教师为顺利而有效地开展教学活动,根据教学大纲和教科书要求及学生的实际情况,以课时或课题为单位,对教学内容、教学步骤、教学方法等进行的具体设计和安排的一种实用性教学文书。完美的教案是一节完美课程的开始,新东方在线小编精心整理《五年级英语教案:Where is it?(1)》供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!

  五年级英语教案:Where is it?(1)


  1、 知识技能:学生可以说出并且听懂常用句型Can you find my ——?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。

  2、 过程与方法:Do and say.

  3、 情感态度与价值观:They can express the position’s saying.

  教学重点:We can express how to ask the question

  教学难点:Make new dialogues



  1、 导入:Greetings。

  2、 新授:

  (1) Review feelingsmastered in level 1(happy,sad,hot,cold,tired)。Write the words on the blackboard. Then stand in front of each word and act it out. Ask for volunteers to act out each word.

  (2) Demonstrate”Can you find my ___?” by giving a student sth of yours and asking him on her to hide it .Close your eyes. Pretend you to have lost the object and lead a dialogue such as:

  T: Oh, no! My _-___ is lost! I Can’t find my___!Where is it? Can you find my ____?


  T:Yes,here it is.(Pretend to find it.)

  (3) Practice it again.

  (4) Write “Can you find my ——?Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。”on the blackboard and let the standents say them a few times.

  (5) Use the student book to read the text ,think about the questions:

  What happened they think?

  What is Danny wearing? Why?

  (6) Practice and play”Can you find it?”

  (7) Give them enough time to practice the dialogue and work in pairs.

  (8) Questions: My _-___ is lost!

  I Can’t find my___!

  Where is it?

  Can you find my ____?

  Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t。

  (9) Let them act the dialogue and then check out.

  3、 小结:Let the students say what they have learned from the text.

  4、 作业:Write down the sentences on the pieces of the paper.

  板书设计: Can you find my ____?

  Yes,here it is。/No,I can”t



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