2017.03.29 14:31
差别:gaps between, differentiate between;存在,出现:occurred, existed
多数,少数:the overwhelming majority of, in the majority of cases, handful
方法:approaches, avenues, methods, 发生率:Incidence, frequency, prevalence
阐明:verify, confirm, identify, define, clarify, illustrate, demonstrate
改变:change, alteration;增加: enhanced, elevated, increased
降,少,缺: decrease, reduction, reduced, diminish, loss, suppression
各种,多种:in multiple types of, in various types of;参与:closely involved in
广泛的:in an extensive survey;执行:perform, carry out可能性:feasibility;
密切地:intimately;潜在假定的:potential, candidate, putative;
识别,辨别:discernment;提供,帮助:provide, supply, help (to), contribute to
推测: presume,speculate ,confer, conjecture ,guess, deduce,deduction
显著,优先的: prominent, pronounced, obvious, marked, predominant, striking
相同,同等并列:with a similar pattern to;协同,加强:synergize with
一致:which is in accord with the results
优缺点:merits and drawbacks,beneficial and detrimental
异常:aberration, abnormality;重要:crucial, key, important
相反:On the contrary, In contrary, but quite on the contrary
与一起:in combination with, coupled with;由于、鉴于:In light of,In view that
本科--undergraduate ; 研究生--graduate; 大一学生--freshman ;
大二学生--sophomore; 大三学生--junior ; 大四学生--senior;
学位--degree; 文凭--diploma ; 证书--certificate;
本科学位--bachelor's degree ; 硕士学位--master's degree;
同等学力--an equivalent education level;
Micro-blog 微博;netizen 网民;follower 粉丝;
podcast播客;profile 个人资料;working link 有效链接;
upload 上传;personal interests 个人爱好;attachment 附件;
privacy settings 私人设置;blogger 写博客的人;homepage 主页;
social networking website 社交网络;
honest 诚实;easy-going 随和;energetic 精力充沛的;
quick-learning 学习能力强的;confident 自信;perseverance 坚持;
dedication 奉献;team-spirit 团队精神;flexible 灵活;
leadership skills 领导能力;helpfulness 乐于助人;positive attitude 乐观态度;
caring 关心他人;sense of humor 幽默感;cheerfulness 乐观;
friendliness 友爱;adaptability 适应能力;work well with others善于与他人合作;
focus on projects 专一;work under pressure能承受压力;
奖学金--scholarship; 论文--thesis ; 导师--supervisor;
实习生--intern ; 实习期--internship; 兼职--part-time job;
学生会--students'union ; 学生会主席--president of the students' union;
干事--secretary ; 学生干部--student leader;
blueprint 蓝图;key university 重点大学;turning point 转折点;
master degree 硕士学位;target 目标;material/spiritual life 物质/精神生活;
outlook on life 人生观;material/spiritual pursuit 物质/精神追求;
to live in vain 虚度一生;in pursuit of sth 追求(某物);
to set a goal 确定目标;to realize self-worth 实现自我价值;
Capital n首都,省会城市;Medium-sized city 中型城市;Metropolis n 大都市;
Province 省;State 州;Shire 郡(主要用于英国);
Municipality 自治市;City 市;Town 镇;
Village 村;Countryside 乡;Densely-populated人口稠密的;
Sparely-populated 人口稀少的;Fast-paced 快节奏的;Industrial 工业的;
Agricultural农业的;Cultural 农业的;Mercantile商业的;
Cultural 文化的;Industrialized工业化的;Commercial city 商业城市;
Light industry 轻工业;Heavy industry 重工业;Manufacturing制造业;
Clothing industry 服装工业;Chemical industry 化工业;Banking 银行业;
Stockbreeding 畜牧业;Tourism 旅游业;Service trade 服务性行业;