economic globalization:经济全球化
recession/bleeding economy:经济不景气
economic/financial crisis:经济/金融危机
the fallout of economic/financial crisis:经济/金融危机的影响
economic recovery:经济复苏
economic prosperity:经济繁荣
spur/stimulate economic development:刺激经济发展
hinder/impede economic development:阻碍经济发展
job market:就业市场
look for/hunt for/seek a job:找工作
job seeker:求职者
a tough job market:严峻的就业形势
unrealistic salary expectations:不切实际的薪资期望
pursue a high-paid job:追求高薪工作
without/lack of practical experience/hands-on experience/practical abilities/vocational skills/career skills:没有或缺乏实践经验/实践能力/职业技能
lose one's job/be unemployed:失业
job losses mount, unemployment climbs:失业加剧
generate/create/afford job opportunities/employment opportunities:创造/提供就业机会
career guidance:就业指导
bubble economy:泡沫经济
demand exceed supply:供不应求
turn loss into gains:转亏为盈
stabilize prices:稳定物价
unfair competition:不正当竞争
fierce/intense/furious/cut-throat competition:激烈竞争
fake and inferior product:假冒伪劣产品
after-sale service:售后服务
enterprise image:企业形象
brand effect:品牌效应
reduce the funding for...:减少经费
lift/elevate people's standard of living:提高人们的生活水平
lower citizens' standard of living:降低居民生活水平
eliminate poverty:消除贫困
expand the gap between the wealthy and the needy:扩大贫富差距
increase/expand domestic demand:扩大内需
spur/stimulate consumption:刺激消费