The cartoon,vividly and explicitly,depicts that 某人 is/are doing 主要行为(名 词/名词短语). Under scrutiny,we can see that 某 人 do 次要行为(名词/名词短语)including 举例1(名词/名词短语/doing…), 举例2(名词/名词短语/doing.…) and the like
What the drawing implies is that 积极主题词(名词/名词短语/doing…) should be encouraged in the modern society,especially 具体情况(介词短语/副词/状语从句). Indeed, 积极主题词(名词/名词短语/doing…)is essential to create a perfect society.If people 主题相关的积极行为(动词/动词短语), all the trials and tribulations can be conquered.And I can think of no better illustration than the example of 人物举例 Conspicuously,were it not for 积极主题词(名词/名词短语/doing…), 人 would 产生结 果(动词/动词短语),
Consequently,until we reach the point where everyone could do 积极主题词 (名词/名词短语/doing…),a harmonious and prosperous society could not be expected and enjoyed