2022.04.21 07:27



  1、Under no circumstances ______ other countries.

  A.we should invade    B.should we invade

  C.we invade    D.should we not invade

  2、Hardly ______ the meeting room when the meeting began.

  A.had I entered    B.I entered

  C.did I enter    D.have I entered

  3、______ had been expected, he opposed to the plan.

  A.Which    B.As    C.What    D.That

  4、______ you have been in this school for some time, please tell me what you think of it.

  A.Now that    B.That    C.Because    D.That now

  5、______ the boy´s demands are met soon he will cry.

  A.Lest    B.Unless    C.In case    D.As long as

  6、Politics ______ the art or science of government.

  A.is    B.are    C.be    D.being

  7、My friend was very unhappy for not ______ to the concert.

  A.to be invited    B.have been invited

  C.to have been invited    D.inviting

  8、The noise was caused by a dog ______ a cat through the garden.

  A.chasing    B.fighting    C.running    D.following

  9、I must get up earlier tomorrow morning ______ late again.

  A.not to be    B.not being    C.so as not to be    D.for not being

  10、Because of her peculiar characteristics, she has a lot of difficulty ______ friends with her classmates.

  A.to make    B.making    C.of makin    gD.for her to make


  1、B  2、A  3、B  4、A  5、B

  6、A  7、C  8、A  9、C  10、B



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