学校: | 西南科大 |
专业: | 理学->化学->高分子化学与物理 理学->材料科学与工程->材料加工工程 |
年级: | 2022 |
招生人数: | 2 |
招生状态: | 正在招生中 |
联系方式: | 为保护个人隐私 |
西南科技大学环境友好能源材料国家重点实验室,周琳老师招收研究生(含调剂生),课题组氛围活跃,师生关系融洽,学术氛围浓厚,化学或高分子专业优先,有意者发送简历至邮箱,邮件标题请注明"小木虫-招收研究生",请大家先加入调剂QQ群:467098071,关注调剂信息,如确定过来参加面试,再联系我,谢谢! 联系方式15182490537 邮箱nkzhoulin@swust.edu.cn 周琳:女,1987年12月生,河南南阳人。2015年06月毕业于南开大学高分子化学与物理专业,获理学博士学位,师从张拥军教授(杰出青年基金获得者)。同年7月进入中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所做博士后,合作导师为赵秀丽研究员。2017年06月进入西南科技大学。先前主要开展基于动态键的刺激响应性聚合物设计和制备研究,目前研究方向为外部刺激条件下可拆解热固性材料的研究与应用。迄今已经在acs app. mater. interfaces,polym. chem,macromolecules, polymer,rsc adv,angew. chem. int. ed上发表多篇学术论文,并主持承担科研项目多项项,包括国家自然科学基金等。 已发表学术论文: [10]linfang zhou, lin zhou, ming kang, xiuli zhao, guanjun chang, mao chen, tough non-covalent adaptable networks: cation-π cross-linked rigid epoxy, polymer, 2022, 243, 124626. [9] mao chen, hongwei si, huan zhang, lin zhou, yeping wu, lixian song, ming kang, and xiu-li zhao, the crucial role in controlling the dynamic properties of polyester-based epoxy vitrimers the density of exchangeable ester bonds (υ), macromolecules, 2021, 54, 10110-10117 [8] hongwei si, lin zhou, yeping wu, lixian song, ming kang, xiuli zhao, mao chen, rapidly reprocessable, degradable epoxy vitrimer and recyclable carbon fiber reinforced thermoset composites relied on high contents of exchangeable aromatic disulfide crosslinks, composites part b: engineering, 2020, 199, 108278. [7] mao chen, lin zhou, yeping wu, xiuli zhao, and yongjun zhang, rapid stress relaxation and moderate temperature of malleability enabled by the synergy of disulfide metathesis and carboxylate transesterification in epoxy vitrimers, acs macro letters. 2019, 8, 3, 255╟260. [6]lin zhou, mao chen, xiuli zhao, rapid degradation of disulfide-based thermosets through thiol-disulfide exchange reaction. polymer. 2017, 120: 1-8. [5]lin zhou, mao chen, ying guan, yongjun zhang, dynamic layer-by-layer films linked with schiff base bond for sustained drug release, rsc advances, 2015, 5(102), 83914-83921. [4] lin zhou, mao chen, ying guan, yongjun zhang, multiple responsive hydrogel films based on dynamic schiff base linkages. polymer chemistry, 2014, 5(24), 7081-7089. [3] lin zhou, mao chen, lili tian, ying guan, yongjun zhang, release of polyphenolic drugs from dynamically bonded layer-by-layer films. acs applied materials & interfaces, 2013, 5(9), 3541-3548. [2] mao chen,lin zhou, ying guan, yongjun zhang, polymerized microgel colloidal crystals: photonic hydrogels with tunable band gaps and fast response rates. angewandte chemie international edition, 2013, 52(38), 9961-9965. [1] mao chen, yapeng zhang, siyu jia, lin zhou, ying guan, yongjun zhang, photonic crystals with a reversibly inducible and erasable defect state using external stimuli, angewandte chemie international edition, 2015, 54(32), 9257-9261. [ Last edited by chen0mao on 2022-2-22 at 11:52 ] |