2021.12.10 07:09








  A Chat about Short Essays

  Bing Xin

  Perhaps due to my failing energies, not only have I refrained from writing anything long, but also, in reading a magazine, for example, I usually finish its shorter pieces of writing first, be they fiction, prose or any other forms of literature, before going on to the longer ones.

  I always believe that anything written with an irresistible inner urge to unbosom oneself must be full of genuine feelings. On the contrary, if one writes simply for the sake of writing–say, to humour one’s editor friends, or worse still, to earn more remuneration, one will most probably make his writings unnecessarily long until they become, despite what little feeling they may contain, inflated and wishy-washy.

  When true emotions aroused by a person, an event or a scene come upon you like a pin pricking your heart or an angry tide surging threateningly before you, all you can do is use y=the most vivid and succinct language to describe the severe pain in your heart or the momentary feeling of panic caused by the angry tide.

  Our great motherland is known for its literary tradition of short essays. Do you find anything unduely long in A Treasury of Best Ancient Chinese Prose with its 220 essays selected from a period of several thousand years in ancient China from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty down until the end of the Ming Dynasty? Aren’t the essays in it, like Du Mu’s Rhapsody on Epang Palace and Han Yu’s An Elegiac Address to My Nephew Shi’erlang, all short and yet full of true feelings? Isn’t A Collection of Random Thoughts by Ba Jin, our contemporary, another like example of pithy writing?



  (1)“也许是我的精、气、神都不足吧”也可译为Perhaps due to deficiency in my mental and physical energy,但不如Perhaps due to my failing energies简洁。“精、气、神”在文中显得俏皮,意即“精力”,故译为energies即可。


  (3)“为应付编辑朋友”的意思是“迁就编辑朋友之约或要求”,故译为top humour one’s editor-friends。英语to humour作to gratify by compliance解。

  (4)“也被冲洗到水份太多”意即“变得夸张空洞”,故译为“become inflated。

  (5)“你心尖上”即“你的内心深处”或“你的心头”,译为your heart即可,不宜按字面译为the tip of your heart。

  (6)“我们伟大的祖国,是有写短文的文学传统的”也可译为Our great motherland has a literary tradition of short essays,但不如Our motherland is known for its literary tradition of short essays灵活顺口。

  (7)“……有几篇是长的?”译为Do you find anything unduely long…,其中unduely是添加成分,作“不适当地”或“过分地”解,原文虽无其词而有其意。

  (8)“《祭十二郎文》”译为An elegiac Address to My Nephew Shi’erlang,其中My Nephew是为交待“十二郎”何许人而添加的成分,有助于读者的理解,属释义性译文。

  (9)“……不也是一个实例吗?”译为Isn’t …another like example of pithy writing?,其中like和of pithy writing均为添加成分,原文虽无其词而有其意。



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