2021同等学力英语即将于5月23日考试,考前冲刺备考是大家提分的关键,下面新东方在线同等学力频道为大家分享:“ 2021同等学力英语翻译练习:夫妻关系”。
The most benign changes are taking place in poor and middle-income countries. Child marriage, once rife, is ebbing. So is cousin marriage, with its attendant risk of genetic defects, though it is still fairly common in the Middle East and parts of Asia. Relations between husbands and wives have become more equal, though not equal enough. As women earn more and the stigma of divorce fades, more men are finding that they cannot treat their wives as servants or worse, punchbags, because women can credibly threaten to walk away.
婚姻良性的改变主要发生在中低收入国家。曾经盛行的童婚呈下降趋势;近亲结 婚虽然在中东和亚洲部分地区依然很常见(近亲结婚的后代容易存在基因缺陷),但也在不 断减少。夫妻关系虽然没有实现完全平等,但已经越来越平等。女性收入不断提高,离婚不 再是有损名誉的事;越来越多的男性发现自己再也不能把妻子当成仆人呼来换去,甚至拿她 们当出气筒,因为她们威胁离婚不再只是口头说说而已。
以上是新东方在线考研频道为大家分享的:“2021同等学力英语翻译练习:夫妻关系 ”文章,预祝大家能考出好成绩。