2020.07.31 08:20

  作文是考研英语很重要的一个题型,英语一作文30分,占比30%,英语二作文25分,占比25%。相比较其他题型,作文考前更容易突击提分。复习时背诵考研英语作文范文有助于考研考生对素材及句型结构的积累。新东方在线考研频道为大家整理了2021考研英语作文范文背诵系列文章,希望对大家考研英语作文提高有所帮助,下面是文章:2021考研英语作文范文背诵你家中什么动物最重要?: 。


  what is the most important animal in your country?Why is the animal important? Use reasons and specific details to explain your answer.

  In the United States, there are many important animals. They help us in a wide range of ways from food production to scientific research. An animal that is not only helpful to us but close to us emotionally is the dog. That is why I feel that dog are the most important animals in my country.

  Dogs provide a very important chance to learn or maintain social skills. Children who have dogs learn responsibility while caring for them. Dogs also help older people. The elderly often feel lonely as they get older and have fewer living friends and relatives. They are able to maintain a positive outlook and to feel needed because they are caring for a dog that needs them.

  In addition to social benefits, dogs also provide some very important  assistance. Seeing-eye dogs help the blinding live fulfilling, fully mobile lives. Dogs that act as shepherds on small farms are also very helpful. Lost animals means lost money for farmers, and that can mean going out of business. Police dogs can find illegal drugs, catch criminals, and protect their handlers. Dogs’ intelligence and desire to please people made them ideal for all kinds of work..

  Finally, dogs can save lives. Dogs have been known to find lost children .In extremely cold conditions, they have provided them with life-saving warmth. Dogs have alerted people to fires and other dangers. And we cannot forget guard dogs, which save many owners’ lives and property each year by scaring off potential burglars.

  Again, there are useful animals in the United States. In terms of the  numerous ways in which they can be helpful, however, I believe the dog is the most significant.

   以上就是新东方在线考研频道为大家整理的“2021考研英语作文范文背诵:你家中什么动物最重要? ”文章,考研英语作文范文不仅需要大家背下来,最好把里面的好词好句、语法结构进行总结,打造出属于自己的考研作文素材,预祝大家考研成功。


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