在考研英语备考中,大作文是很多考生头疼的部分。通常办法很多考生会在考前一个月突击背诵,那么新东方在线考研频道在此为大家整理了一系列2020考研英语大作文通用模板,希望考生们活学活用,尽量根据此模板创造自己的专属模板,预祝大家考研成功。下面是正文‘ 2020考研英语大作文通用模板:环境保护类(一)’。
This is a very interestingpiece of cartoon, in thanksto . Hence, .
Though being a little exaggerating, the cartoon illuminates a seriousfact that , and for thatmatter, . A recent reportalso supported this view by .On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that .
Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world toform a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single governmentor person can be exempt from its harm. A series of down-to-earth measures needto be urgently implemented to control .