good good study, day day up.
Study hard and make progress everyday.
这种翻译是正确的,而且更适合用在书面化。直译是“努力学习并且每天都取得进步”,翻译得简明扼要。尤其是make progress用的非常传神,整个形式结合的很完美,大家可以在写作文时使用这种译法。
例句:Our teacher tells us that study hard and make progress everyday.
Study well and go ahead everyday.
这种译法和上一种几乎一样,但用词更简洁明了。Study well指学习好,go ahead指向前进,更含有要坚持学习,努力向前的决心。
例句:I will study well and go ahead everyday, and never let my parents down.
Learn despite distress and make daily progress.
这种译法可能更为复杂,despite是“不管、不顾”的意思,distress是“困难、不幸”的意思,despite distress则是“不惧困苦”的意思。学习中我们难免会遇到各种困难,正是这些困难才让一个班级里的学生有了优等生和特困生之分。Make daily progress是每天都取得进步,这句翻译还运用了前后音节数相等和分句末尾押韵的法则,读起来朗朗上口,很适合用在英语口语表达中。
例句:Hope you can learn despite distress and make daily progress.
Study hard all the way and be better day by day.
这句英语里all the way表示“坚持不懈,勇往直前”,含有好好学习的决心。这句翻译也使用了前后音节数相同和押韵的原则。
例句:I will study hard all the way and be better day by day, and never wasting time.
Everyone knows that the phrase“Learning well and improving every day”was proposed by Chairman Mao. How did it come from?
It is said that before the founding of New China, a student pupil, Chen Yongkang. One day he was playing, then a fashionable young man gave him a bag of sugar and a bag of yellow powder. Let him place on the teacher's office desk.
Chen Yongkang remembered what the teacher said. Although China had just been liberated, there were still some people with unsound minds in society. So Chen Yongkang pretended to promise the youth to go with him, just a patrol of the People's Liberation Army passed, Chen Yongkang immediately seize the youth shouting the Liberation Army.
In order to escape, the youth injured Chen Yongkang, the youth was finally captured by the PLA and Chen Yongkang was taken to the hospital. Afterwards, it was discovered that the bag of yellow powder was indeed an explosive. After Mao Zedong heard about Chen Yongkang's deeds, he wrote his inscription "Study hard and make progress everyday." to Chen Yongkang.
Until now, this phrase has often been used to encourage young people to be positive.