新东方在线考研频道考后发布2019考研英语一写作命题解析:没有惊喜,多个名师团队深度解析真题变化、分析答案要点,帮助考生做好考后估分、迎战复试调剂! 请关注【2019考研真题答案及解析】专题!《2020考研新生手册》等你来拿!
2019考研真题答案解析大汇总 | |||
公共课 | 政治 | 英语一 | 英语二 |
数学一 | 数学二 | 数学三 | |
公外日语 | |||
专业课 | 管理类联考 | 西医综合 | 教育学 |
法硕(法学) | 法硕(非法学) | 中医综合 | |
计算机 | 历史学 | 心理学 | |
经济学 | 金融 | 艺术 | |
翻译硕士 | 汉硕 | 二外日语 | |
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今年的考研英语一命题出人意料地…开玩笑的啦,考研英语的作文命题依旧是丝毫是林宥嘉翻唱过Radiohead的那首歌《No Surprise》没有惊喜。
A thought-provoking scenario is depicted in the drawing above. Two climbers can be seen mountaineering. One of them, looking languid due to fatigue, is frustrated and intends to give up. His partner, reaching out his helping hand, encourages the tired one to continue. This vivid picture draws our attention to such a noteworthy topic: persistence.
On account of the rapid development of society, this invisible yet immense wall of pressure casts its shadow upon every one of us. Persistence, more than ever, plays a role of vital significance in our daily life. Such a trait is what usually separates the great from the common. Known as one of the greatest artists of all time, Michelangelo still inspires youngsters all over the world to pursue their ideals of beauty. He spent about four years painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and finished the astonishing composition that stretches over 500 square meters of the ceiling. With all the challenges and various setbacks, it is persistence that helped him fight against all the obstacles.
As a conclusion, persistence is one of the many elements that one should not ignore, for without persistence, success is nowhere to be achieved. We can never pay too much attention to its cultivation.
接下来是小作文,就更加是意料之内到有点déjà vu了。
英语一的小作文真的已经变成了一张不停随机循环的歌单,每一首的歌手都是Li Ming。
那这次Li天王为大家带来的是一首2006《帮助穷小孩》+2016《建议外国人》+ 2010《通知志愿者》的Remix劲嗨串烧(真的06年的题材也嫁接就真的是冷饭炒到馊啊)。所以也是一贯的,以史为鉴,可知今年要写啥。那么文章大概可以这样写
Dear Friend,
I’m writing this letter as a response to your inquiry concerning the project of Aiding Rural Primary School. I am glad that you would take part in it. I am certainly no expert but I do have a few pieces of advice as well as some information to share with you.
I would recommend you to pay a visit to one of the rural primary schools and see what is in need the most and a trip is currently being planned. The actual activities involved and the schedule remain undecided. You will be informed of details as soon as we work out a specific plan. For now, we have confirmed that this event will feature a donation as well as teaching on-site.
I hope you would find my suggestions helpful. If you need any information, please feel free to write to me.
Sincerely yours,
Li Ming
当然小作文相比大作文的套路,还是至少需要读懂题目的门槛能力。听说考研过后rural突然上了百度的搜词,很多同学甚至上高德搜了一下“艾丁小学(Aiding Primary School)”在哪里,然后发现答案是…在吐鲁番。但是亲爱的朋友们,aiding是aid的ing形式好不好…所以说词汇还是要背到位才行啊…