2018.12.17 14:30





  1. 录取 admission; be admitted to; accept

  2. 学习成绩 academic record; academic achievements,credits(学分)

  3. 文凭 diploma

  4. 学位 degree

  5. 学前教育 pre-school education

  6. 职 业 学 校 ; 技 术 学 校 vocational schools ; technical schools

  7. 成 人 教 育 和 职 业 教 育 adult education and vocational education

  8. 义务教育 compulsory education

  9. 素质教育 education for all-round development

  10.失学儿童 dropout student

  11. 扫盲 eliminate illiteracy

  12. 人才流失brain drain

  13. 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent,comprehensive personnel, versatile talents

  14. 精神文明建设 promote cultural and ideological progress

  15. 科教兴国 rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation

  16. 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude; individualized teaching

  17. 教育体制 educational system, education bureaucracy

  18. 知识经济 knowledge-based economy

  19. 发挥学习潜能 reach his or her full learning potential

  20. 高素质的老师 highly qualified, well experienced teaching staffs

  21. 应试教育 examination-oriented education



  The method in China is often no more than the mode of "Teaching by holding his hand". Parents prefer to directly telling children the results, rather than show the process.


  Parents would like to spare their no efforts to provide children with a more favorable growing environment——for they believe that everything they've done deserves if children get a better future.


  The great pressure of college entrance examination and "duck-stuffing" teaching cause the loss of senior students' happiness in learning English.

  4,随时随地接受教育,学生不用浪费时间,金钱, 只需要一台电脑就可以学习,是在线教育的最大优势。

  The greatest strength of distance education consists in its convenience that students only need a computer while learning, no matter when and where they are,rather than wasting much time on commute to school and spending much money on education investment.

  5, 在线课堂可以让学生根据自己的学习效果,重复观看课程内容,巩固所学知识。

  Online classes allow the students to review the courses they have taken in accordance with their own learning feedback to enhance the knowledge.

  6, 越来越多的人,包括学生,老师和社会人士,都接受了在线教育,享受到了在线教育带来的好处。

  The public in growing numbers, including students, teachers and some social workers, get the education online and appreciate the benefit distance education has brought.

  7, 在线教育是科技进步的必然结果,是推动文化进步的重要力量。

  Online education is the inevitable result of technological upheaval, and the driving force to boost the cultural progress.



  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and

  3) give your comments.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)


  An inspiring cartoon, at the first glimpse, mirrors the prevailing tendency of online education. To be specific, in front of screen sit a host of students, active and earnest, aspiring to learn brand-new knowledge as if a genuine renowned tutor were instructing these children face to face. As the caption reads, it is so awesome to receive the distinguished teaching on the Internet without being admitted to esteemed schools.

  Conspicuously, such episode crystalizes the sobering fact that, with the net emerging and booming, the cascade of curriculums online makes a substantial difference to average folks, especially those from impoverished areas short of affluent and quality education recourses. Translated, nothing would be more indispensable for equality in access to instruction than web-based learning. For one thing, it is universally convinced that the prevalence of online course is not only to encourage individual growth, but might possibly be beneficial to narrow the gap between western districts and well-developed cities, and more probably to advance national quality education on the whole scale. For another, clusters after clusters of students, from learner’s perspective, are likely to embrace more opportunities, on the network, of selecting their preferable classes as well as teachers.

  Overall, social epidemic of online courses makes good sense in some spheres of modern education. Even better would be to elevate the notion of making the best of web classes in an elegant and sound manner.













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