2018.12.17 14:25





  1. 社会适应性强 the improved social adaptive capacity

  2. 有社会责任心的 socially responsible

  3. 善于分析的 analytical

  4. 有能力的 capable/competent

  5. 好沉思的 contemplative

  6. 有合作精神的 cooperative

  7. 有拼搏精神的 dashing

  8.有奉献精神的 dedicated/ devoted

  9. 老练的,有策略的 diplomatic

  10. 守纪律的 disciplined

  11. 谨慎的 discreet

  12. 尽职的 dutiful

  13. 认真的 earnest / careful

  14. 受过良好教育的 well-educated

  15. 追求幸福 pursue/seek happiness

  16. 为人民谋幸福 work for the well-being of the people

  17. 拜金 money-worship

  18. 很好的社会地位 high social status

  19. 成功的象征 symbols of success

  20. 心理健康 psychological health

  21. 社会和谐 social harmony

  22. 满足物质需求 fulfill one’s material needs



  With the development of the economy, challenging positions require college graduates to possess higher ability and better education.


  Due to the fact that the competition of hunting for jobs has become increasingly fierce, a mounting number of colleges graduates choose to get further study to make them more competitive in job hunting.


  Currently, an increasing number of people make up their mind to live in big cities. First and foremost, it is deeply believed that they can be rich some day through hard-working.


  To learn from examples is likely to widen our scope, which will be instrumental in our study as well as work.

  5. 科技创造是人类文明进步的重要成果,也是推动人类文明进步的重要力量。

  Technology innovation is both an important fruit of human civilization progress and a vital force behind such progress.



  Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should

  1) describe the drawing briefly,

  2) explain its intended meaning, and

  3) give your comments.

  You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)



  As is vividly shown in the cartoon, a professor in a university saying “You are plagiarizing other person's work,” gives his student zero for the graduation thesis, even though the senior is reluctant to accept it. There is no doubt that the drawing implies that a growing number of graduates are faking their papers in universities.

  The author’s real purpose is not to reveal the fact itself, but to lead us to find out what hides behind the iceberg. We can summarize several fundamental factors which could weigh heavily for the phenomenon of plagiarizing, yet, suspended at the top list are the following two causes. First of all, the phenomenon can be attributed to the absence of the college students’ consciousness of protection of copyright. In addition, relevant laws and regulations in universities might not have been strictly enforced to warn seniors the severe consequence of stealing the work of other scholars.

  From what has been discussed above, we may come to the conclusion that it is urgent to take some immediate and effective measures to solve this problem. In the first place, we ourselves should cultivate the awareness of writing original papers. In the second place, more rules should be made and carried out by the universities to restrain seniors’ copying. Only in these ways can we have opportunities to expect a more vigorous and prosperous academic atmosphere to come.













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