2018.09.10 14:19


  1. 高考 National College Entrance Examination; Gaokao

  主要内容:A total of 9.4 million Chinese high school students will sit the 2017 national college entrance examination, known as the Gaokao, due to kick off Wednesday, the Ministry of Education said. 6月7日,2017年高考大幕正式拉开,教育部表示,今年全国将有940万考生参加考试。


  改变命运的一场考试a life-changing examination

  无人机Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV

  面部识别facial recognition

  指纹识别fingerprint verification

  静脉验证finger vein verification

  金属探测器metal detector

  电子监控electronic monitoring system

  全球定位系统GPS Global Positioning System

  通用分组无线服务技术GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)

  射频识别技术RFID(radio-frequency identification)

  2. 倡导“蓝色经济”发展calls for the development of a "blue economy"

  主要内容:China calls for the development of a "blue economy" to optimize the traditional marine sector and speed up the development of emerging marine industries while promoting sustainability, a Chinese official said. 中国官员表示,中国倡导“蓝色经济”发展,在推动可持续发展的同时,优化传统海洋产业,壮大新兴海洋产业。


  海洋污染marine pollution

  海洋生态保护marine environmental protection

  海水酸化ocean acidification

  可持续渔业sustainable fishery

  海洋科研能力marine scientific research capacity

  加强海洋生态的管理和保护strengthen the protection of the marine ecological environment

  提高防灾减灾能力improve the disaster prevention and mitigation capacities

  强海洋科技创新strengthen scientific and technical innovation

  发展可持续的海洋经济develop a sustainable ocean economy

  推动亚太区域海洋国际合作enhance the international marine cooperation in Asia Pacific region

  3. 中国和巴拿马建交the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Panama

  主要内容:Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held a meeting in Beijing with Isabel de Saint Malo, Panama's vice president and foreign minister, and they signed a joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations. 中国外交部长王毅在北京与巴拿马副总统兼外长德圣马洛举行会谈。会谈后,两国外长签署了两国建立外交关系的联合公报。


  巴拿马共和国the Republic of Panama

  巴拿马运河the Panama Canal

  经济竞争力economic competitiveness

  稳定持久的合作伙伴a stable and long-lasting partner in economy

  相互支持的有力依靠strong and powerful support in international relations

  断绝外交关系to sever diplomatic relations

  恢复外交关系to resume diplomatic relations

  建立领事关系to establish consular relations

  建立大使级外交关系to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level

  中断外交关系to suspend diplomatic relations


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