2018.09.10 14:17


  1. 韩宪法法院通过总统弹劾案


  South Korea's President Park Geun-hye has become the country's first democratically elected leader to be forced from office.



  民选总统democratically elected leader/president

  宪法法院 constitutional court

  违反 in breach of

  罢黜、把…赶下台 oust sb.

  行政豁免权 the executive immunity

  勾结 collude with

  被起诉 be charged with

  贿赂和腐败 bribery and corruption

  2. 2017两会热词汇总

  (1)蓝天保卫战make our skies blue again

  标本兼治tackle both symptoms and root causes

  铁腕治理fight it with all our might

  治理雾霾人人有责tackling smog is down to every last one of us

  (2)一带一路高峰论坛high-level Belt & Road Initiative forum

  "一带一路" the Belt and Road Initiative

  撸起袖子一起干 to roll up their sleeves

  共建人类命运共同体 to build a human community with shared destiny

  保护主义、单边主义 protectionism and unilateralism

  (3)长途漫游费 long-distance and roaming fees

  "互联网+"the Internet Plus action plan

  流量traffic data

  语音通话voice call

  云计算cloud computing

  大数据big data

  (4)减税降费Cut taxes and administrative fees

  税收减免tax reduction and exemption

  个税改革方案reform of personal income tax

  取消或停征行政事业性收费cancel or exempt administrative fees

  劳务报酬remuneration of labor

  稿酬author’s remuneration

  (5)混合所有制改革mixed-ownership reform

  国有资本state-owned capital

  集体资本collective capital

  非公有资本non-public capital

  强化风险控制enhance risk control

  加强国有资本监管strengthen State-owned capital supervision

  深化国企改革deepen State-owned enterprise reform

  3. “共享充电宝”sharable chargers


  Users can scan a QR code on a machine to rent a convenient power source to provide a jump-start.


  充电器 charger

  电源适配器 power adapter

  电池充电器 battery charger

  旅行充/墙充 wall charger/travel charger/home charger

  座充 cradle dock desktop cradle/ charger dock

  充电器套件 charger kit

  移动电源 portable power bank/emergency battery

  4. 共享单车 shared bikes


  Beijing authorities issued a drafted citywide rule to regulate the unfettered bike-sharing industry.

  热词:企业乱投放unregulated operation

  承租人乱停放irregular parking

  押金未监管unsupervised deposit

  押金管理 deposit management

  集中停放区车位不足insufficient parking space

  向社会公示public notification

  退还承租人押金return all the deposits

  用户安全 client security

  停车管理 parking management

  可停放区parking area

  禁停区no-parking area


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