2017.06.15 16:41


  Has British democracy let its people down?


  Parliamentary democracy is one of the British values that English schools are now required, by statute, to promote during lessons - not debate, not discuss, promote.


  If some teachers interpret their new role as propagandists for this kingdom’s existing system of governance, that would be a shame, because right now our democracy is not serving this country particularly well.


  Far from providing the stability and legitimacy it promises, our peculiar democratic system has served to expose and deepen social divides.


  It has contrived to leave our country vulnerable at a critical moment in its history.


  No-one voted for a country led by a wounded prime minister, without a clear negotiating position on Brexit with days to go before the talks on our country’s fate begin, having to do humiliating backroom deals to get even the most routine domestic legislation through Parliament.


  The rest of the world looks on bewildered at Britain’s capacity to turn a huge political challenge into a potential catastrophe.


  Yes, turnout was the highest since 1997, and there are signs that young people may have participated in larger numbers than in previous elections.


  These must be encouraging signs for the democratic process.


  But almost a third of the electorate still didn’t bother to exercise their democratic right.


  The overall result may have been unexpected and even "extraordinary", but for the vast majority of voters, the local outcome could be construed as suggesting people were quite happy with the status quo.


  "No-one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise," Winston Churchill told the House of Commons in 1947.


  "Indeed, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government, except all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."


  Most people would probably agree with that, and David Cameron was surely right to argue that democracy is a keystone in the curtain wall that defines our nation’s character, a feature of British life that must be defended.


  But a democracy’s strength is not measured only in its ability to withstand external attack. It must be loved and cherished by those within.


  Talk to people the length and breadth of the United Kingdom, and you will hear the argument that the system ignores ordinary people, that their voice is not being heard by the distant elites.


  At a time in world history when power is shifting further away from the ordinary citizen to international institutions and global corporations, this sense of democratic deficit is felt even more keenly.


  National and local democratic structures need to be more responsive, but in Britain people feel they are increasingly remote.


  This snap election will have done little to restore people’s faith in the democratic process.


  If people felt their voice was irrelevant before, they are unlikely to think the system is any better now.


  Our two main political parties were founded and evolved to deal with the social and economic challenges of the industrial revolution.


  Conservative and Labour, left and right, capitalism and socialism - these ideological movements were a response to the economic and cultural challenges of power moving from the field to the factory.


  The defining feature of our democracy, this cornerstone of British values, is that citizens have a participatory role in political and civic life. The people have a voice.


  The debate we must have now is how to convince the populace that the United Kingdom does have a democracy that allows that voice to be listened to, understood and acted upon.



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