2017.05.26 14:32


  sway vt.影响、改变…的观点[行动];

  His speech failed to sway his colleagues into supporting the plan.他的一番话没能影响他的同事支持这项计划。

  n支配; 统治In medieval times the church held sway over many countries.在中世纪, 教会支配着许多国家。

  sweat n苦差使[S]This job's quite a sweat; I'm exhausted already. 这件工作是个苦差事;我已经精疲力竭了。

  n/vi焦急,不安,神经紧张[S] We were all in a sweat over the final exam. 我们都为期末考试焦急不安。

  We were really sweating as we waited for the results. 我们在等待结果时真的感到非常焦急。

  vi. 辛苦工作I really sweated over my last essay. 我的确下功夫写了上次那篇文章。

  n/vi(物体表面)结水珠,附上水汽A pitcher of ice water sweats on a hot day. 盛着冰水的水罐表面在热天会结水珠。

  sweep vi(人)昂首阔步地走She swept magnificently from the hall.她昂首阔步地从大厅里走出来。

  连绵,延伸[Q][(+round/up/down/to)]The broad driveway sweeps around the lake. 这条宽阔的汽车道环湖伸展。

  sweet adj快乐的;愉快的it was the sweet life he had always craved.他一直渴求的就是愉快的生活。

  swim vi眩晕The drink made his head swim.喝的酒使他觉得头发晕。

  swing vt (靠不正当手段)完成获取Can you swing it for me so that I get the job?你能设法为我谋得那份工作吗?

  sympathize/-ise n 同感,共鸣 I know you feel angry, and I sympathize. 我知道你感到愤怒,我也有同感。

  syndrome n(某一事物的)全部特征; 特征群; (具有某种共同性的不同事物的)集合

  Unemployment, inflation, and low WAGES are all part of the same economic syndrome.


  system n秩序,规律[U] There was no system at all in the company.在公司里根本没有任何秩序可言。

  身体,全身[the S]Excessive drinking does harm to the system. 过度饮酒对身体有害。.

  方式,方法[C]I prefer this system of teaching English. 我喜欢这一种英语教授方法。

  systematic adj有预谋的,蓄意的a systematic attempt to ruin sb's reputation 蓄谋破坏某人的名誉.

  The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national,racial,political,or ethnic group.


  table n. [C]碑匾There is a tablet in memory of those who died. 那儿有一块碑纪念死去的人。

  tame adj沉闷的; 乏味的The film has a tame ending.那电影的结局枯燥无味。


  One day man will tame nature. 总有一天人类要征服大自然。

  Harsh punishment in childhood had tamed him and broken his will.童年所受的严厉惩罚使他变得顺从。

  Within two years they had tamed this inhospitable landscape. 两年之内他们已经开垦了这片荒凉的土地。

  tap vt开发(资源)

  【真题例句】…they may alter the structure of education, or interfere in order to reduce the wastage of natural

  resources or tap resources hither to unexploited… 【2000年汉译英】


  tape n【体】(赛跑终点的)线带[the S]The two runners broke the tape together. 两位赛跑运动员在终点同时撞线。

  have (或 get) someone/thing taped(英,非正式)完全了解一个人(或东西)

  It took me a while to learn the rules of the game but I think Ihave got them taped now.


  target vt. 把...作为目标(或对象) Two men were targeted by the attackers.有两个人被袭击者选为攻击的目标。

  规定...的指标The company has targeted a profit for the year. 公司已经规定了今年的利润指标。

  taste n爱好,兴趣[C][U][(+for/in)];鉴赏力,审美力

  He found the aggressive competitiveness of the profession was not to his taste.他发现该职业弱肉强食非他所爱好。

  She has frightful taste in literature.她的文学鉴赏力很糟。

  vt品 尝…的味道She had never tasted ice cream before.她以前从来没有品尝过冰激凌。

  体验The team has not yet tasted victory at home.这个队还没有尝过主场胜利的滋味呢。

  tax n负担;压力[S][(+on/upon)] vt消耗精力; 使劳累

  The care of six children was a tax on her energies. 照料六个孩子成了她精力上很大的负担。

  Reading in a poor light taxes the eyes.在暗淡的光线下看书很累眼睛。

  team vt He teamed up with the band to produce the disc.他与乐队协力推出这张唱片。







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