2017.05.26 14:27


  spy vt.看见, 发现We spied three figures in the distance.我们望见远处有三个人影儿。

  暗中监视,暗中观察The couple were spied on by reporters.这对夫妇受到记者盯梢。

  侦察出;探明,查明he would go and spy out the land.他将去探明地形。

  【真题例句】In the past three or four years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of

  point-and-click spying. 【2003年Text1】尽三四年间互联网造就了一种叫点击间谍的新行当。

  square n[C]古板守旧的人,拘谨的人;不谙时尚的人

  Teenagers always think their parents are real square. 青少年总认为他们的父母真是跟不上时代的老古板。

  adj结实的,魁梧的The mayor is a man of square frame. 市长是个体格魁梧的人。

  水平的,平行的Place two pieces of wood one on top of the other, ensuring that they are exactly square.


  整齐的We should get everything square before we leave.在我们离开之前应该把一切都摆放整齐。

  一致的;可共存的He wanted to make sure we were square with the court's decision and not subject to

  a lawsuit他想确认我们同意法院的判决,而且不再提出诉讼。

  公正的;正直的,诚实的She'd been as square with him as anybody could be.她对他的公正一直不亚于其他任何人。

  (两个人)两清的,互不相欠的an acknowledgement that we are square.对我们两清的正式确认。

  (比赛中双方)平分的;平局的The goal brought the match all square once again.这个进球使比赛再一次平局。

  (非正式)古板守旧的,不谙时尚的Elvis was anything but square.埃尔维斯一点儿也不古板。

  直截了当的,断然的They offered to buy his farm but met a square refusal. 他们出价要买他的农场,但遭到断然拒绝。

  vt结账The money will square him.这钱可以让他还清账了。

  贿赂He has been squared to hold his tongue.他已经被贿赂封住了嘴。

  vi一致,相符[(+with)]His views on the question do not square with mine. 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。

  squeeze n. [C]拮据, 短缺拮据; 困境; 银根紧缩 [S1]My brother is in a tight squeeze. 我兄弟处境困难。

  vt破坏扼制The economy is being squeezed by foreign debt repayments.偿还外债给经济带来了坏的影响。

  vi勉强得到(或通过)The bill squeezed through both houses. 议案在两院勉强获得通过。

  stage n[C] (进展的)阶段;时期;(the~)戏剧;

  A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. 毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。

  They are arranging a novel for the stage.他们正在把一本小说改编成戏剧。

  vt 筹划;举行,发动They decided to stage a general strike. 他们决定举行总罢工。

  把...搬上舞台,上演The city was staging Hamlet. 该城市正在上演《哈姆雷特》。

  stagger vi坚持进行[(+on/along)]Education, however, has managed to stagger on in spite of these pleasant diversions.


  (喻)动荡不安The treasury staggered from one crisis to the next.财政部动荡不安,危机接连不断。

  vt.使…感到震惊[担心]The difficulty of examination staggered him.考试的难度使他很担心。

  stall vi使延迟;阻塞,阻挡The government has stalled the much-needed project.政府推迟了那个急需的项目。

  vt(为争取更多的时间而)拖延;支吾,搪塞She was stalling for time.她在拖延时间。

  拖时间使等候,把...拖住[(+off)]The police are coming. Stall him for a moment. 警察就来了。把他拖住一会儿。

  stamp vt/n跺(脚);用(脚)踩he stamped his foot in frustration.他沮丧得跺脚。

  He gave a stamp of impatience.他不耐烦地跺脚。

  n标志, 印记This event left the stamp on his heart.这件事在他心中留下印记。

  vt铭刻(印象等)[(+in/on)] The heroic image is stamped in [on] our memory.这一英雄形象铭刻在我们心中。

  标出; 表示; 表明...是His speech stamps him as an educated man.他的谈吐显示他是一个受过教育的人。

  (采取果断措施)镇压,压制;消灭urgent action is required to stamp out corruption.需要采取紧急行动来消灭****。

  standard n平均质量; 业务水平The people of the US have a high standard of living.美国人民的生活水平很高。

  旗帜, 标杆Two men carried the standard in the royal parade.在盛大的游行队伍中, 两个男子打着旗子。

  支柱, 基座The deck will need six standards to make it secure.这座平台要用六根支柱才能稳固。

  start n/vt惊跳,惊起She awoke with a start.她猛然惊醒。

  We started two birds as we walked in the wood.我们在树林里散步时惊起了两只鸟。

  starve vt使匮乏,使急需The arts are being starved of funds.那些艺术现在急需资金。

  statement n结算单, 报表The company prepared a statement of its profits and losses.该公司做了一份损益清单。

  station n[C]身份,地位;职位Karen was getting ideas above her station.卡伦想要升职。

  vt安置,驻扎,派驻Troops were stationed in the town.军队驻扎在这个城镇里。

  steal vi悄悄地做He stole down to the kitchen.他偷偷地走向厨房。

  静静地流The years steal by.岁月不知不觉地过去了。

  巧取 The young man stole her heart.那个年轻人博取了她的芳心。







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