2017.05.24 16:40


  rush adj(交通)繁忙的The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事

  sack n/vt 洗劫, 劫掠The invaders put all to the sack.入侵者把所有的东西洗劫一空。

  The invaders sacked the city.侵略者把这座城市洗劫一空。

  safe adj不冒险的, 小心的

  The teacher appointed a safe student as monitor of our class.老师任命了一个谨小慎微的学生担任我们的班长。

  salad n菜鸟期I was in my salad day then, and fell in love easily. 我那时年纪轻、涉世未深,极易堕入情网。

  salt n增添趣味[活跃气氛]的事物 Adventure is the salt of life to some people.冒险对某些人来说是生活中的刺激。

  vt使更有趣He employs an irreverent humour to salt his observation.他运用玩世不恭的幽默使他的评论更加有趣。

  salute vt.祝贺;颂扬Today should be saluted as beginning of a new era.今天应该作为新纪元的开始而载入史册。

  n 致意He saluted his friend by a wave of the hand.他挥手向朋友致意。

  sample vt品尝; 尝试She made us sample her cooking.她让我们品尝她做的饭菜。

  体验;尝试They can learn English and sample the British way of life.


  sanction vt.批准; 认可How can you sanction such rudeness?你怎么会准许这种粗鲁的行为呢?

  n约束力Prison is the best sanction against a crime like this.为遏止这类罪行, 监禁手段是上策。

  satisfaction n 赔偿The store owner received satisfaction for the damage.店主收到了对损坏的赔偿。

  satisfy vt.使确信I satisfied them that there was no danger.我使他们相信没有危险。

  符合, 达到(要求、规定、标准等)You can't vote until you have satisfied all the formal conditions.


  sauce n无礼的话, 顶撞的话;增加趣味的东西,乐趣[U][C][(+to)]

  I won't take any more of your sauce from now on.从现在开始,我不会再忍受你那些无礼顶撞的话了。

  Fame is only one of the sauces of life. 人生有诸多刺激,名望只是其中之一。

  say vt比方说; 假定说It is said that there has been a big flood.据说, 那里遭受了一场大洪水的袭击。

  【真题例句】Rather than, say, Quebec, negotiating on behalf of seven million people, the national agency

  would negotiate on behalf of 31 million people. 比方说,魁北克省只能代表七百万公民的议价,取而代之


  n.决定权, 发言权He wasn't allowed much say in choosing his holiday.在选择假期的问题上不让他有很多发言权。

  scale n(sing.)规模He's in business on a small scale.他做的是小本生意。

  【真题例句】In dealing with a challenge on such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say “United we stand, divided we fall”



  音阶practise scales on the piano在钢琴上练习音阶

  鱼鳞, 鳞片Scales of skin peel off after scarlet fever.猩红热病愈后皮肤上的鳞屑就会脱落。

  vt.刮去…的鳞片[鳞状物]You have to scale the fish before cooking it.你在烧鱼之前得刮去鳞片。

  scale back按比例缩减,相应缩减;引申义为限制

  【真题例句】Now the nation’ stop patent court appears completely ready to scale back on business-method patents, which have been controversial ever since they were first authorized 10 years ago。【2010年阅读Text2】


  sand vt.用砂纸磨光The surface of the table must be sanded down.这张桌子的表面得用砂纸磨光。

  在某物上撒沙, 用沙覆盖The icy roads were sanded after the snowstorm.暴风雪过后, 冰冻的道路被撒上了沙。

  [pl. ]生涯; 寿命the sands of a man's life人的寿命; 毕生的岁月

  sandwich vt.把...夹在中间The child was sandwiched in between his parents.那孩子夹在他父母中间。

  挤出时间做某事 I'm very busy today but I will sandwich that job in after tea.今天我很忙, 不过我将








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