2017.05.24 16:38


  retail vt.传播, 转述He is fond of retailing the news. 他喜欢传播消息。

  revolution n旋转;运行,公转

  The earth makes one revolution around the sun in about 365 days.地球约365天绕太阳公转1次。

  revolve vi细想He revolved the main points in his mind.他脑子里反复思考着这些问题。

  revolve around以...为中心

  A baby's life revolves mainly around its mother. 婴孩的生活主要以其母亲为中心。

  rhythm n周期Human biological rhythms are related to the natural cycle of day and night.


  rib vt【口】嘲弄,取笑They ribbed him for confusing the two words. 他们嘲笑他把这两个字混淆了。

  riddle n. [C]谜一般的人;难题;莫名其妙的事情All she said was a riddle to me. 她所说的一切对我来说是一个谜。

  把...打得满是窟窿[H][(+with)]The car was riddled with bullets. 汽车给子弹打得车身上尽是窟窿。

  充斥,布满[H][(+with)]The umbrella is riddled with holes and the rain's dripping down.伞上满是洞,水正滴下来。

  使完全败坏They are riddled with disease.他们彻底病倒了。

  rifle vt. 洗劫,劫掠[(+of)]The thief rifled every drawer in the room. 窃贼洗劫了房内所有抽屉里的东西。

  偷走,盗走The raccoons rifled all the food in the camp. 浣熊窃走了营地的全部食品。

  rim n. [C] (镶在器物周围的)框边His spectacles have gold rims. 他的眼镜镶着金框。

  环绕Mountains rimmed the valley.环绕着山谷的群山

  riot n极度丰富The garden was a riot of colour.花园里色彩缤纷。

  rip let rip (about /against/at sb /sth)speak 慷慨陈词Let rip against government. 猛烈的抨击政府。

  let sth rip 让(汽车、机器)全速前进Let it up!让它全速前进。

  任其发展They just let inflation rip.他们让通货膨胀肆意发展。

  rip sth off 撕掉rip the cover off a book.把书皮撕掉。

  盗窃 Somebody’s ripped off my wallet.有人偷走了我的钱包。

  roast vt.嘲讽;口诛笔伐The critics roasted the elaborately staged work.剧评家将那用心演出的作品评得一文不值。

  rocket vi.飞快地移动The film has rocketed overseas.这部电影以最快的速度传到国外。

  急速上升House prices are rocketing up.房价在飞涨。

  romance n[C,U]虚构The story he told was complete romance.本故事纯属虚构。

  rotate vi(使某人或某物)轮流[按顺序循环]

  The post of chairman rotates among members of the committee.主席一职由委员会的成员轮流担任。

  rotten adj道德败坏的The man's morals are rotten to the core.那个人道德败坏至极。

  极坏的; 极讨厌的She's a rotten cook.她做的饭很差劲。

  route vt 经由…路线到达The flight is routed to Chicago via New York. 这个航班被安排经纽约飞往芝加哥。

  给...定路线;安排...的程序Our travel agent routed us through Italy. 我们的旅行社安排我们途经意大利的路线。

  royalty n(著作的)版税The writer gets a t 10% royalty on each copy of his book.作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。

  rubbish vt.〈英澳·非正〉把…说得一钱不值; 贬损…The book was rubbished by them.这本书被他们贬得一无是处。

  ruin n[pl] 废墟; 遗迹The abbey is now a ruin.那座修道院现已成废墟。

  run vi 竞赛;竞选[(+for) ]管理;运载;发布;公布

  Will he run for Governor? 他会竞选州长吗?

  He has no idea of how to run a business. 他不知如何经商。

  He will run the goods to Shanghai.他准备把货物运往上海。

  【真题例句】As soon as that report runs, we’ll suddenly get 500 new internet sign-ups from Ukraine,” says Friedman, a former political science professor. “And we’ll hear back from some of them.” 【2003年阅读Text1】








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