2017.05.19 17:32


  neat adj (酒)纯的, 不掺水的I like my whiskey neat.我喜欢喝纯威士忌酒。

  工整的;匀称的,样子好的She had small, neat writing. 她的字写得小而工整。

  熟练的;灵巧的;有效率的She is a neat worker. 她做事干净利落。

  need n贫穷;困窘;危急[U] My neighbors helped me in my time of need. 我的邻居在我困难的日子帮了我忙。

  needle n讽刺的言论; 刺激,煽动Joe needled the boys into a fight. 乔用话挑动男孩打架。

  (因竞争而产生的)仇隙[U]A certain amount of needle has crept into this game.比赛双方逐渐产生了敌意。

  注射;打针 She was given a needle for whooping cough.她因为患百日咳被打了一针。

  negotiate vt【经】议价出卖;转让;议付;兑现; 通过, 跳过(障碍)

  The car negotiated the sharp curve by slowing down.该车减速驶过急转弯。

  nerve vt.给(身体或道义上的)力量; 使有勇气, 振奋She nerves herself for the struggle.她鼓起勇气准备斗争。

  n (力量, 行动等)中枢, 核心, 主要部分Banks are the nerves of commerce.银行是商业的中心。

  勇敢,胆量;沉着,镇定[U]It takes a bit of nerve to transport explosives. 运输炸药要有点胆量。

  net vt净得, 净赚It netted us a handsome profit.这为我们净赚了一大笔利润。

  adj纯净的,纯的,净值的The net profit amounts to twenty dollars per ton of ore. 每吨矿石的净利为二十美元。

  最终的What was the net conclusion after all that discussion? 讨论了那么长时间,最终结论是什么呢?

  nice adj细微的,精细的The nice distinction in appearance between the twins did not escape him.


  noble adj雄伟的Niagara falls is a noble sight.尼亚加拉瀑布是一壮观的景色。

  nobody n.小人物, 无足轻重的人

  He is a mere nobody, and it is mere a matter of time for people to recognize him.

  他只不过是个小人物, 要大家认清这一点只是时间问题。

  noise vt. 纷纷传说;谣传[H][(+about/abroad/around)]

  It was noised about that the foreign minister intended to resign. 外界传说外交部长打算辞职。

  norm n 定额There’s a production norm below which each worker must not fall. 每个工人必须完成生产定额。

  nose n突出的部分;尖端;船头;机头[C]She pointed the nose of the car towards home. 她开车回家。

  嗅觉[S]Reporters have a good nose for news. 记者对新闻有很强的觉察力。

  (对与己无关之事的)探问;干预[C]Keep your nose out of my affairs. 别管我的事。

  vi.窥探, 探听, 四处查看The secret has been nosed.秘密被探听到了。

  vt. & vi.小心翼翼地前进The little boat nosed carefully between the rocks.小船在岩石间谨慎地缓慢航行。

  note n暗示, 含义The book ended on an optimistic note.该书的结尾寓意乐观。

  注意,注目;注意到[+(that)][+wh-]Please note that this bill must be paid within 10 days. 请注意本帐单必须10日内付款。

  提到,指明He noted the importance of the problem in his lecture. 他在讲座中着重提到这一问题的重要性。

  nothing n.无关紧要的人[事]

  She is an interesting person but her husband is a real nothing.她是个十分有趣的人, 但她的丈夫真就不及她了。

  novel adj.新奇的; 新颖的; 新的

  He has a novel proposal of his own for meeting unemployment.他想出了一条独特的对付失业问题的新建议。

  【真题例句】When a novel literary idea appears, people should try to determine its purposes. 【2000年阅读Txte3】



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