2017考研英语阅读理解150篇(详解版) PDF下载
2016.11.14 11:52

    2017考研英语阅读理解150篇(详解版) PDF下载

  Unit One

  Part A


  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on

  ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)


  Text 1

  Not long after the telephone was invented, I assume, a call was placed. The caller was a parent saying, “your child is

  bullying my child, and I want it stopped!” The bully's parent replied, “you must have the wrong number. My child is a little


  A trillion phone calls later, the conversation is the same. When children are teased or tyrannized, the parental impulse is to

  grab the phone and rant. But these days, as studies in the U.S. show bullying on the rise and parental supervision on the

  decline, researchers who study bullying say that calling moms and dads is more futile than ever. Such calls often lead to

  playground recriminations and don't really teach our kids any lessons about how to navigate the world and resolve


  When you call parents, you want them to “extract the cruelty” from their bullying children, says Laura Kavesh, a child

  psychologist in Evanston, Illinois.

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