2016.06.24 12:02



  Donald Trump promised a bare-knuckles speech with sweeping attacks on Hillary Clinton, and on Wednesday he delivered it.


  He accused the Democratic presumptive nominee of criminal corruption. He called her a "world-class liar". He offered a bullet-point summation of an anti-Clinton book written by a conservative commentator. And he read a letter from the widow of a police officer killed by an undocumented immigrant who said the former secretary of state had the "blood of so many on her hands" and should "go to prison to pay for the crimes she has already committed against this country".


  Guided by his teleprompter, Mr. Trump offered a more focused, methodical attack on Mrs. Clinton than he has normally produced in his stump speeches, but it wasn’t any less inflammatory - or prone to occasional exaggerations and misrepresentations.


  If Mr. Trump will be a more polished candidate with the change of campaign leadership announced this week, it seems clear he will be no less the brash, braggadocios candidate that stormed through the Republican primary season.


  He emerged from that campaign victorious - but is now struggling to find his footing in a one-on-one battle with his Democratic foe. Wednesday’s speech was his most significant effort to date to regain his equilibrium and shift focus to his opponent’s record.


  Here are the five primary lines of attack Mr. Trump relied on in his Wednesday speech - and what they could mean for the presidential race in the weeks and months to come.


  She’s part of a rigged system


  "This election will decide whether we are ruled by the people or by the politicians."


  She’s a job-killer


  "I have visited the cities and towns across America and seen the devastation caused by the trade policies of Bill and Hillary Clinton."


  She does dodgy deals


  "She ran the State Department like her own personal hedge fund - doing favors for oppressive regimes, and many others, in exchange for cash."


  She’s encouraging un-American immigrants


  "I only want to admit people who share our values and love our people. Hillary Clinton wants to bring in people who believe women should be enslaved and gays put to death."


  She messed up the Middle East


  "The Hillary Clinton foreign policy has cost America thousands of lives and trillions of dollars - and unleashed Isis across the world."



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