v. 得自,起源,引申于derive的例句 But, oh, how much I must miss, and how much pleasure you seeing ones can derive from watching and hearing the interplay of speech and movement in the unfolding of a dramatic performance! 但是,啊,我可能失去了多少,你们能看的人从戏剧表演中看动作,听语言的相互作用中产生了多少喜悦! The third-deepest soil zone in ABC soil, unaltered by weathering and made up of the parent rock from which the two uppermost layers derive as well as other mineral materials. 剖面层ABC土壤剖面层中深度排第三的剖面层,不受风化的影响,由上两层及其他矿物组成的母岩所构成罗马不是一日建成的。单词背诵需要大家使用正确的方法以及持之以恒的努力。希望17的小伙伴们在自己的努力下,顺利的拿下5500考研词汇,为将来的进一步学习打下夯实的基础。