2016.01.25 16:33



  Gestapo 盖世太保,纳粹秘密警察

  genocide 有计划的种族灭绝

  genocide by attrition 缓慢种族灭绝

  gentlemen's agreement 君子协定

  Stanford 斯坦福大学

  study by correspondence 通过函授学习

  the Open University, UK (英国)开放大学

  tuition (fee) 学费

  UC Berkeley 加州伯克利大学

  Univ. Edinburgh 爱丁堡大学

  Univ. Munich 慕尼黑大学

  Univ. Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚大学

  Univ. Toronto 多伦多大学

  vocational school 职业学校

  Yale 耶鲁大学

  television and radio broadcasting university 电视广播大学

  correspondence school 函授学院

  night school for adults 成人夜校

  amateur arts / athletic school 业余艺术/体育学校

  middle / high school affiliated to… 附中

  on-the-job training course 在职进修班

  political and ideological education 政治思想教育

  to become educated through independent study 自学成才

  scholarship; fellowship; financial grant 奖学金

  a grant-aided student 领取助学金的学生

  board expenses 伙食费

  food allowance伙食补助

  Ph. D. candidate 博士生

  postdoctoral 博士后

  graduation appraisal 毕业鉴定

  graduate placement 毕业生分配

  supervisor of Ph. D. candidate / doctoral advisor 博导

  the national higher education exams for self- taught adults 自学考试

  adult education 成人教育

  update one's knowledge 充电

  elementary education 初等教育

  college town 大学城

  college community 大学社区

  associate degree 大专文凭

  mark; grade 分数

  academic record; school record 学习成绩

  transcript 成绩单


  internship; field work 实习

  graduation ceremony; commencement 毕业典礼

  certificate 毕业证书

  higher education 高等教育

  the "211 Project" for higher education 高等教育"211工程"

  institution of higher education 高等学府


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