2015.12.18 15:39

  图表作文是考研英语二大作文的命题热点,离考试只有8天时间了,大家要注意练习和总结。新东方在线奉上考研英语二图表作文考前实战系列,和大家一起来分享一些热点的话题及范文,大家不妨找几篇练练背背。Are you ready?,开始了~~~



  Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should

  1)interpret the chart, and

  2)give your comments.

  You should write about 150 words on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

  The above bar chart shows the results of a report concerning the ideal career standards of most university students. Based on the data offered, steadiness, high salary and comfortable environment are highly acclaimed by students. What is reflected in the chart is most thought-provoking and worth discussing among the general public for the time being.

  The contributing factors responsible for this phenomenon can be summarized as follows. To begin with, the spirit of challenge is missing among most university students. As is indicated in the chart above, the majority of students regard steadiness as their top ideal career standard. The very fact shows that now most university students lack the confidence and courage to face hardships and difficulties in terms of work. What's more, most students are money-oriented and self-centered. Therefore, high income and comfortable environment are viewed as the most important factors in terms of their standards, which indicates most people lack the spirit of serving the people and rewarding the society. In short, the employment ideal of university students needs to be adjusted.

  In my view, some necessary measures should be taken to establish new ideal occupation standards among university students. For one thing, a widespread education campaign must be launched to popularize correct employment concepts. For another, a healthy social environment should be created so as to guide the development of students' mind. Only in these ways can university students find their ideal jobs in our harmonious society.


 英语一、二作文预测及范文 图表作文写作要稳中求新
 图表作文:四类描述词汇总结 破解图表作文的五大要领
 语图表作文必备三类高频术语 图表作文必备词句


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