1. to increase enrollment/course-related test/ subject-specific basic test/ common subject test 扩招/专业课/专业基础课/公共科目
2. minimum admission score/ pre-enrollment/ first-tier exam/ selective second-tier exam/ non-selective second-tier exam 录取分数线/提前招生/初试/差额复试/等额复试
3. admissions test for Master's degree in a different field/ popular subject area/ less-popular subject area/alternative major choice 跨专业考研/热门专业/冷门专业/志愿调剂
4. planned enrollment/ open enrollment 计划内招生/计划外招生
5. enrollment with recommendation/ self-supporting graduate student 推荐免试生/自费研究生
6.targeted-area student/ job-directed student 定向生/委培生