考研英语真题材料来源报刊100篇连载 (96)
2014.08.08 15:06


考研英语真题材料来源报刊100篇连载 (96)

  Tattoos in the workplace


  Ink blots


  Body art is growing more popular, though few employers are keen


  IN THE North Star tattoo parlour in downtown Manhattan, Brittany shows off her ink: a Banksy-inspired tableau covering both feet. Now a student at New York University, she hopes to be a lawyer one day. “That's why I got the tattoo on my feet,” she says. “It's easy to hide.”


  Once the preserve of prisoners, sailors and circus freaks, tattoos have become a benign rite of passage for many Americans. One in five adults has one, and two in five thirty-somethings. These days women with tattoos outnumber men. But what happens when these people look for work? Alas, not everyone is as savvy as Brittany.


  Though increasingly mainstream, tattoos still signal a certain rebelliousness that works against jobseekers, says Andrew Timming of the University of St Andrews in Scotland. In a forthcoming study, Mr Timming and colleagues asked participants to assess job candidates based on their pictures, some of which were altered to add a neck tattoo. Inked candidates consistently ranked lower, despite being equally qualified. In a separate study Mr Timming found that many service-sector managers were squeamish about conspicuous ink, particularly when filling jobs that involve dealing with customers.


  Designs of flowers or butterflies were deemed comparatively acceptable. And some workplaces are more open-minded: a prison-services manager explained that having tattoos made it easier to bond with inmates. Firms with a younger clientele are also more tattoo-friendly. But by and large the more visible the tattoo, the more “unsavoury” a candidate seemed—even if the boss had one.


  Such prejudice may seem anachronistic, but it is not unfounded. Empirical studies have long linked tattoos with deviant behaviour. People with inked skin are more likely to carry weapons, use illegal drugs and get arrested. The association is stronger for bigger tattoos, or when there are several, says Jerome Koch, a sociologist at Texas Tech University.

  这种偏见似乎有些落伍,但并非没有根据。实证研究长期将纹身与异常行为联系在一起。有纹身的人更有可能携带枪支,使用非法药物,或者被逮捕。德州理工大学一名为Jerome Koch的社会学家表示,纹身越大或者有好几个时,这种联系越强。

  This may help explain the army's recent decision to reinstate old grooming standards. These restrict the size and number of tattoos, ban ink from the neck, head and hands, and bar body art that might be seen as racist, sexist or otherwise inappropriate. The change is intended to promote discipline and professionalism. But it is making it harder to recruit to the army, says Major Tyler Stewart, who handles recruitment in Arizona. His battalion is turning away 50 tattooed people a week.

  这有助于解释近来军队恢复旧仪容标准的决定。标准限制了纹身的大小和数量,禁止脖子、头和手上的纹身,以及可能被视为种族歧视、性别歧视或其他不好方面的人体艺术。标准的改变旨在加强纪律和职业精神。负责亚利桑那州招兵工作的Major Tyler Stewart表示,新标准这使得招兵更难了。他所在的营一周里清退了50名有纹身的士兵。

  Some aspiring soldiers and other jobseekers are solving the problem by getting their ink removed. Tattoo-removal has surged 440% in the past decade, according to IBISWorld, a market-research firm. At the North Star, where Brittany's friend is getting a question-mark inked on her wrist, the prospect of such buyer's remorse seems remote. “I don't think it will help her job prospects,” observes Brittany, “but hopefully it won't hurt, either.”





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