2024.10.11 16:41


  1. The Brownsville area in Texas figured _____ in the early stages of the United States' war with Mexico.

  A. resolutely

  B. indecisively

  C. prematurely

  D. prominently

  2. Vicky has been sad recently, for her plan to go to college fell _____ at the last moment.

  A. out

  B. behind

  C. in

  D. through

  3. We were astonished when we heard that the accused person had _____.

  A. got off

  B. got in

  C. got on

  D. got through

  4. At the last committee meeting, the _____ that the library remain open until midnight was adopted.

  A. notion

  B. method

  C. motion

  D. mention

  5. These concepts are still in their early stages of developement, but historians of the future may well _____ our time by such terms as the nuclear age, the computer age or the age of space travel.

  A. add up to

  B. refer to

  C. contribute to

  D. stand up to


  1. D 参考译文:德克萨斯州的Brownsville地区在美国与墨西哥战争的早期有着重要的地位。

  resolutely 毅然地, 坚决地

  indecisively 优柔寡断地

  prematurely 过早地, 早熟地

  prominently 显著地

  2. D 参考译文:Vicky 最近非常难过,因为她入大学的计划在最后关头未能实现。

  fell out 争吵,发生

  fell behind 落后

  fell in 排队,到期

  fell through 未能实现

  3. A 参考译文:当听到那个被告逃脱惩罚的时候,我们都惊讶不已。

  get off 下来,逃脱惩罚

  get in 进入,收回

  get on 骑上,有进展

  get through 干完(工作),完成(任务),度过(时间)

  4. A 参考译文:在最后一次委员会议上,图书馆开放到午夜的方案被采纳了。

  notion 概念, 观念, 想法, 意见, 打算, 主张

  method 方法

  motion 运动, 动作

  mention 提及

  5. B 参考译文:虽然这些原子时代,计算机时代或者太空旅行时代还处于发展早期,但未来的历史学家,或许能称我们的时代为,原子时代,计算机时代或者太空旅行时代。

  add up to 合计达

  refer to 查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听

  contribute to 捐献

  stand up to 勇敢地抵抗



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