2024.05.26 15:55


  The world Intellectual Property Organization, or WIPO for short, --was set up according to

  the treaty signed in Stockholm in 1967. This treaty was put into effect in 1970. China was invited to join the treaty On June 3rd, 1980.

  The world Intellectual Property Organization is an organization among governments whose headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. It is one of the specialized institutions under the United Nations’ intellectual property system. The headquarters is in charge of improving the protection of the world intellectual properties in the world sphere through the international cooperation.

  The intellectual properties include two main parts: the industrial properties and the publishing properties.

  The industrial property protection is mainly concerned with the protection of the inventions in trademarks and designs of industrial products. It also stipulates the prohibition of improper competition. The former three aspects have something in common for their exclusive methods in protecting intellectual properties, such as inventions, trademarks and the product surface outlooks, etc. However, it has nothing to do with the patent rights in prohibiting unfair competition. It is mainly about the prevention of unfair competitions in dishonest business behaviors.

  The protection of publication properties is usually concerned with that of literary and art works, whose forms may include literature, music, painting, cubic products or their combinations

  (such as operas and films). Almost all the countries copy rights stipulate the protection of the following types of works: literature, music, fine arts, photographs and film photography.

  世界知识产权组织—英语简称为“WIPO—The World Intellectual Property Organization”--是根据 1967 年在斯德哥尔摩签订的公约而成立的,该公约于 1970 年生效,中国于 1980 年 6月 3 日加入公约.


  知识产权包括两个主要部分:工业产权和版权. 工业产权主要是对发明﹑商标和工业品外观设计的保护,以及制止不正当竞争.前三项有一些共同点,因为对发明制止不正当竞争﹑商标和工业品外观的设计都是用专属实施权的方式保护的(如专利权). 制止不正当竞争同专属权无关.而是反对违犯诚实经营工商业的竞争行为.版权所涉及的对象通常是“文学艺术作品”. 作品的表现形式可以是文学﹑音乐﹑图画﹑立体作品或其组合物(如歌剧或电影).几乎所有国家的版权都规定保护以下类型的作品: 文学﹑音乐﹑艺术﹑摄影以及电影摄影等作品。




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