It would be more regretful to idle your life out than you die young or die old. It is quite possible that a person who die at his eighteenth would live more fruitfully than a person who die at eighty. We do believe that it would be better for him to pass each passing day worthfully than to accumulate lots of valuable experience regardless of the consequences. That is to say, he should try to pass each day of his life as if it would be the only day in his life. It means that he should try his best to cope with all the depressions and pains in his life peacefully and forcefully. He should try his utmost to find means to get access to life and increase and keep the interest and value of life.
不论是英年早逝, 还是老年故去,都没有比虚度年华更令人遗憾。一个人活了十八岁可能比另一个人活了八十年活得更加充实。对于生活,我们认为并不是要去不顾一切地积累大量的他以为是有价值的经验,而是应该过好每天的时光。也就是说,他总是把每一天当作似乎那是他生命中唯一的一天来过。这意思是说,人应当要寻求平和感和力量感去对付生活中的失意和痛苦。提示坚持不懈地努力去发现能更接近生活的办法,增加并维持生活的乐趣和价值。