Einstein was awarded Nobel Prize of Physics for his Photon theory. Actually his contribution to the theory of Relativity is far more important than his Photon theory. Nevertheless, the Nobel Prize Nominating Committee took a very prudent attitude to the radical theory of relativity. In fact, Nobel Prize has never been awarded so far to the founders of the theory of relativity.
What motivated Einstein and his successors most is neither wealth nor fame, nor any other lofty goals, but the pure curiosity in science and aesthetics of science.
爱因斯坦因他的光子理论而获得诺贝尔物理学奖, 其实爱因斯坦因在相对论方面的贡献远远比他在光子理论的贡献重要得多。但是诺贝尔评奖委员会对激进的相对论持谨慎的态度。事实上迄今诺贝尔奖从未为相对论创立者颁发过。