1. 心理障碍:psychological disorder
2. 心理健康: psychological health
3. 心理卫生问题: psychological health
4. 心理保健: psychological health
5. 综合统计:consensus
6. 心理疏通: psychological dredge/psychological consultation
7. 咨询: consultation
8. 去痛片: somedon (止痛药:painkillers)
9. 麻醉药: anesthetic
10. 精神畸变: mental distortion
11. 精神病: mental diseases
12. 症状: symptom
13. 自尽: suicide
14. 情绪低落:depressed
15. 失眠:insomnia, sleep loss, sleeplessness
16. 健康处方:healthy prescription
17. 均衡营养:balanced diet
18. 安神:soothe the nerve, calm the nerve
19. 昏昏欲睡:drowsy, sleepy
20. 酸碱平衡:acid-base balance
21. 屏幕辐射: screen radiation
22. 青光眼:glaucoma
23. 肌肉骨骼系统:musculoskeletal system
24. 烦躁:irritable
25. 网络综合症:net syndrome
26. 行为异常:abnormal behaviors
27. 心理人格障碍:psychological personality disorder
28. 食欲下降:loss of appetite
29. 思维迟缓:slow thought, thinking retardation
30. 滥用药物: drug abuse