1.分泌: secretion
2.神经质: nervousness
3. 心理效应: psychological effects
4. 信任感: sense of trust
5. 体验: experience
6. 评价: evaluation
7. 广告效应: influence of advertisement/advertising effects
8. 新兴边缘学科: interdisciplinary subjects/boundary science
9. 心理精神疾病: mental diseases
10. 生理机能: physiological functioin
11. 肾上腺皮质激素: adrenocortical hormone
12. 分泌: secretion
13.药物: medicine/drug
14. 心脑血管系统: cardiocerebral vascular system
15. 抗病能力: disease resistance
16. 病菌: bacteria
17. 免疫: immune
18.生理作用: physiological function
19. 意志薄弱: frailty/hypobulia
20. 心理缺陷: mental defect
21. 安慰剂: placebo
22. 心理安慰: psychological comfort
23. 内源性脑啡肽: endogenous enkephalin
24. 吗啡: morphine
25. 自觉症状: subjective symptom
26. 慢性病: chronic diseases
27. 恶心呕吐: vomit
28. 头晕目眩: vertigo
29. 失眠: insomnia
30. 心理暗示: psychological suggestion
31. 癌症: cancer
32. 类风湿性疾病: rheumatic disease
33. 特效药: specific medicine
34. 药物心理学: pharmacopsychology
35. 暗示疗法: suggestive therapy
36. 安慰剂: placebo
37. 器官功能: organ function
38. 躯体症状: physical symptom
39. 免疫机制: immune system
40. 细菌感染: bacterial infection
41. 并发症: complication
42. 恶性肿瘤: malignant tumor
43. 调控方法: regulation control
44. 脱敏治疗法: desensitization
45. 爱抚: tender care
46. 思想负担: the thought burden
47. 心率测试仪: the heart rate tester
48. 拿脉: take the pulse
49. 拔牙: pulling out tooth
50. 血液制品: blood products