2022.06.13 08:02




  2. 速读文章(化繁为简):句子→ 段落?→ 文章思路和主旨?

  3. 答题:定位?→ 比对?→ 确定最佳答案








  Several classes of bitter citrus compound have looked promising as anticancer agents in laboratory tests.?A new study?indicates that long-term consumption of orange juice, a?source of such chemicals,?cuts cancer risk in rats.

  In test-tube studies,?one class of the bitter compounds-flavonoids -has inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells.?Related studies showed that bitter citrus limonoids similarly ward off cancer in animals.?Mulling over such data,?Maurice R Bennink?of Michigan State University in East Lansing wondered whether drinking orange juice would have a beneficial effect.

  His team injected 60?young rats with a chemical that causes colon cancer and then raised half of the animals on a normal diet.?The others received orange juice?instead of drinking water-and less sugar in their food to compensate for sugars in the juice.

  At an American Institute for Cancer Research meeting last week in Washington D.C.. Bennink reported that after 7 months?22?of the animals receiving a normal diet had developed colon cancers.?Only 17?of the rats on the orange-juice diet showed tumors.?That’s?77?percent of the control group’s incidence.

  Concludes Bennink,?whose work was supported by orange-juice producer Tropicana products of Brandenton,?Fla, “These data show orange juice helps protect against cancer”,He says that the study might also apply to breast,?prostate,and lung cancers. ?

  Bandaru S.Reddy?of the American Health Foundation in Valhalla.N.Y.,was?not surprised?by Bennink’s finding of an orange juice benefit.?However,he calls the reported risk reduction. unimpressive,?his own data show that citrus limonoids protect against chemically induced colon cancer in lab animals. ?

  Luke K. T.?Lam?of LDT Laboratories in St. Paul,Minn.,?finds Bennink’s data“quite interesting”,?although he describes as “borderline” the suppression of cancer incidence observed by Bennink.?Lam has inhibited tumors in the lung,?skin and forestomach of mice with limonoinds.

  The scientists don’t know what compounds in orange juice underlie its effect.?The juice is rich in one limonoid--a sugar-containing version of limonin,?which suppressed tumors in Lam’s rich in one experiments.?It’s possible,?Lam speculates,?that rats convert the juice’s limonoid into limonin.

  Indeed argues Gary D. Manners of the Agricultural Research Service in Albany,?Calif.?“there is no doubt that these( anticancer) citrus compounds are bioavailable in animals to the site of a cancer.?The question remains whether they are similarly available in people”. To find out,his team will soon begin measuring the human boy’s uptake of limonoids from orange juice. ?

  81.?What made Bennink hypeothesize the protective effect of orange juice?

  A. The wide consumption of the fruits

  B. the citrus limonoids of the fruits

  C. His own personal experience.

  D His promising research ~fv3+_syJW

  82.Which of the following is true of the results of Bennink’s study?

  A. only eight rats of the control group showed tumors

  B. thirteen rats of the test group failed to show tumors ?

  C. seventy-seven percent of the test group did not show tumors

  D.only thirty-three percent of the control group showed tumors

  83. It can be inferred from the passage that Bennink___ .

  A. won much financial support with his unexpected results. ?

  B. had a commercial intention in the first place aO?We

  C. tried to please orange-juice manufacturers

  D. found a right sponsor ?

  84. Both Reddy and Lam___.

  A. seemed to be surprisingly impressed by Bennink’s findings

  B. did not seem to be surprised by Bennink’s findings

  C. did not seem to believe in the orange juice benefit

  D. seemed to be doubtful of Bennink’s findings

  85.From the passage we can learn that scientists are still in the dark about___

  A. the substance that suppresses tumors ?

  B. the existence of bioavailability?in the human body

  C. the uptake of limonoids from orange-juice in people bv6Knvr

  D. the bioavailability of citrus compounds in the human body.



  第(1)段提出话题:A new study













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