2023年医学考博英语范文 (1)
2022.05.11 07:40

2023年医学考博英语范文 (1)

  考博英语复习备考中,查找一些具体的备考资料,对于大家来说也是比较耗时的事情。为了让大家更好的来备考考博考试,小编为大家整理了一些具体的考博复习资料。下面跟随小编一起来看看“2023年医学考博英语范文 (1)”吧!

  Children who were breast-fed when they were babies perform better in school and score higher on standardized math and reading tests, a new study suggests. The study, published Monday in the January issue of Pediatrics, was based on a review of more than 1,000 children born in New Zealand in 1977 and followed through age 18.

  The authors, Professors David M. Fergusson and L. John Horwood of Christ church School of Medicine, subscribe to the theory that fatty acids that are present in breast milk but not in formula promote lasting brain development. The authors found that the longer infants were breast-fed, the higher they scored in evaluations. Some of the children were breast-fed less than four months, others four to seven months and some for eight months or more, while others were not breast-fed at all.

  "It is concluded that breast-feeding is associated with small but detectable increases in child cognitive ability and educational achievement," said the report.

  "These effects are pervasive, being reflected in a range of measures including standardized tests, teacher ratings and academic outcomes in high schools," it added.

  The breast-fed children in the study tended to have mothers who were older, better-educated and wealthier. Skeptics say those factors, rather than the breast milk itself, could explain the findings.

  But the authors wrote that they adjusted for those factors.

  "This study is wonderful because it has followed these children through young adulthood and it seems that it holds true right into adulthood," said Barbara S. Levine of Cornell Medical College.

  The substance that makes breast-fed babies smarter is believed to be anomega 3 fatty acid called DHA, found naturally in breast milk but not in formula sold in the United States.

  "It is a very important structural fatty acid for both the brain and theretina," Levine said."Babies that are fed DHA in the first year of life seem to do much better."

  The American Academy of Pediatrics, which sponsors the journal Pediatrics, just last month urged mothers to nurse longer-for at least one year, instead of the previously recommended six months-- for numerous reasons, including the presumed mental benefits.

  New words (生词)

  standardized ['st?nd?da?zd]adj. 标准的

  review [rvju:]n. 复习; 回顾

  subscribe [s?b?skra?b] vt.& vi. 认捐,捐赠

  evaluation[v?lj?'en]n. 估价;

  cognitive ability [?k?ɡnitivbiliti]认知能力

  pervasive[pve?s?v] adj. 普遍的

  reflect[rflekt]vt. 反射,反照

  academic [kdem?k] adj. 学术的,学会的

  adjust [dst]vt.& vi.适应,调整,校正

  brain [bre?n]n. 脑

  retina [?ret?n?]n.视网膜;

  sponsor [?sp?ns?(r)] v. 资助、赞助

  urge [?:d?]vt. 催促; 推进

  presume [pr?z'ju:m]v. 以为,假定

  New phrases (短语)

  hold true vt. 适用,有效

  omega 3 fatty acid 欧米加-3-脂肪酸(ω3脂肪酸)

  American Academy of Pediatric 美国儿科学会

  Translations (翻译)



  这些作者DavidM. Fergusson and L. John Horwood的教授来自于克莱斯特彻奇医学院认同存在于母乳中的脂肪酸能够促进持久的大脑发育,而此脂肪酸不存在配方奶中。作者发现婴儿母乳喂养的时间越长,他们在评估中获得的分数越高。一部分儿童母乳喂养少于4个月,有的4至7个月,还有一些为8个月或更长,此外还有一部分儿童没有母乳喂养。





  来自康奈尔医学院的BarbaraS. Levine说到:这篇研究是令人惊奇的,因为它随访从儿童期至成年早期,同时它似乎同样适用于成人期。


  Levine说到:DHA是一个对大脑及视网膜非常重要的脂肪酸,生后第一年被给予DHA的婴儿似乎会做的更好。 上个月美国儿科协会(主办儿科学杂志)呼吁妈妈喂养母乳更长时间,至少1年,代替以前推荐的6个月,因为母乳有诸多益处,包括有可能促进智力方面发展。

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