In June 2006, in Minato, Tokyo, a 16-year old high school student was killed by a Schindler elevator. He was backing out of it with his bicycle when the elevator suddenly rose with the doors still open, crushing his skull. Investigations began related to this fatality.
In the process of this investigation, the safety of elevatorsin Japan came under question. 66 The Japan Elevator Association disclosed that 9200entrapments happened in Japan in 2004 in elevators of the big four Japanese elevator manufacturers ( Mitsubishi Electric, Hitachi, Toshiba, and Fujitec).
Resultsfrom a recent investigation in Hiroshima showed that 34% of Schindlerelevatorsin the city have had problems.67
As of June 14, 2006, the precise causeof the accident had still not been confirmed.68 The International Herald Tribune reported on June 14 that "loose bolts and worn brake pads, evidence of poor maintenance, likely played a central role in the elevator accident."
69 The Asia Times Online reports that in response to a flood of inquiriesfrom customers, the third-largest domestic elevator company, Toshiba Elevator and Building Systems Corp. is offering free inspections of their elevators, while Mitsubishi Electric Corp. , the leading firm, and HitachiLtd, which is the second-largest, are responding to requests on a case-by-case basis.
In Hong Kong, many news agencies are findingsimilaritiesbetween the Minato case and the 2002 falling Hong Kong case. Thus, Hong Kong's Public Housing Authorityhas been questioned about the 33 public estates with Schindler elevators. 70 In comparison, Hong Kong law requires a full annual examination every year, load testing every 5 years, and an inspection every month. Some buildings have inspections every 2 weeks.
A. There is a reported competitionamong elevator operators in Hong Kong, with some buildings opting to contract elevator maintenance to firms that offer low rates.
B. The Housing Authorityhas said that all of its elevators are maintained by the original manufacturer (in Hong Kong's case, by "Schindler Lifts Hong Kong Limited" ) and all elevators are inspected fully once every week.
C. It should be noted that elevator maintenancehad been carried out by a Japanese maintenance company and not by Schindlersince 2005.
D. That elevators are not infallible came as a surprise to many people, especially when it was discovered that of the 8,800Schindler elevators installed in Japan, 85 have trapped people.
E. Japan has already ordered full inspectionsof the country's entire set of Schindler elevators, with elevators of all manufacturers being inspected in government buildings.
F. Public concern over the Minato case has not been limited merely to Schindler elevators.