Part v 书面表达(summary writing)
例:薪酬收入与付出极不平衡是全科医生(general practitioner, gp)目前最为突出的问题。全科医生肩负基本医疗和公共卫生两项任务。这意味着除了医疗本职工作之外,还需要承担预防保健、病人康复和慢性病管理、健康管理等任务。胜任这些任务就需要更高的综合素质。
据上海长宁区某社区医院医生透露,上级要求社区医生学习中医、心理咨询、健康管理、营养等,并且还要求到达中级证书水平。学了这么多证书出来,每天上班既要从事医疗工作,又要做公卫工作,一个人要签约近 3000 名居民,收入却依然是四五千。增加了这么多技能,提供了这么多服务,工资却没有变化,全科医师心理的天平自然会不平衡。
据央视报道,上海潍坊社区的医生李亚玲一年收入是 7 万元,而与她同期毕业在某三甲医院工作的同学收入比她高 1 倍。面对这样的现实,如果有机会找到收入更高的工作,她没理由不改行。有数据显示,2007 年至 2009 年,北京市社区卫生服务机构共引进 2000 人,但 3 年里流失率非常高,而社区医生流失原因中 67% 是因为薪酬低。
据了解,国外全科医生的收入是社会平均工资的 3~4 倍,这与当下我国社会全科医生的薪酬形成鲜明对比。国外全科医生的待遇普遍较高,英国、德国等发达国家全科医生待遇约是社会平均收人的 3~4 倍,与此相对,我国全科医生收入与社会平均收入水平基本持平,仅有 4% 左右的医生年收入超过 10 万元,相较于发达国家 3~4 倍于社会平均收人水平的全科医生收人,我国全科医生的待遇较低,薪酬回报不具有吸引力,这也是我国全科医生行业人才匮乏、素质整体较低的重要原因。
(1) 问题的存在/性质。
(2) 全科医生需严格的资质要求。
(3) 全科医生收入偏低,以及其因果关系。
currently, the problem is that general practitioners(gp) are short-paid. their income does not match with their hard job. they have a wide range of duties such as clinical practice, preventive healthcare, patient's rehabilitation, chronic disease management, and health management. such duties are quite demanding on the gp. however, the efforts they have made are not paid for enough. on the one hand, gps are required to receive continuing medical education for certificates and qualifications. once a gp is qualified, he/she has to be engaged in both medical practice and public health for 3 000 local residents who have signed a contract with their gp. on the other hand, gps are quite short-paid for their hard efforts. as a case in point, dr. li yaling, a gp for a local community, earns her annual income of rmb70,000.00, much lower than that made by her counterpart who works in a tertiary hospital. gps in britain, germany and other developed countries earn their annual income 3~4 times higher than the national average income, while chinese gps make approximately the national average. as a result, they tend to leave their jobs for higher-paid positions. the insufficient workforce can lead to lowered quality of medical service in general.