1. 脑卒:brain death
2. 脑血管意外: cerebralvascular accident
3. 脑出血、脑缺血、脑血栓: cerebral hemorrhage/cerebral ischemia/cerebral thrombosis
4. 蛛网膜下腔出血: retinal hemorrhage
5. 致残率和死亡率: disability and death rate
6. 吸烟史: smoking history
7. 糖尿病: diabetes
8. 高脂血:high cholesterol
9. 高血压: high blood pressure/hypertension
10. 牙周病: periodontal disease
11. 脑血管破裂: rupture of blood vessel
12. 高血糖和高血脂: high blood sugar and cholesterol
13. 血流缓慢: slow blood flow
14. 动脉血管弹性下降less elasticity of artery blood vessel
15. 丧失活力,变得脆弱、狭窄: loss of vigor/vulnerability/narrow mindedness
16. 饮食和营养: diet and nutrition
17. 低盐、低脂: low salt, low fat,
18. 氯化钠: cymag
19. 钠的排泄: sodium excretion
20. 胆固醇: cholesterol
21. 扩张血压: diastolic blood pressure
22. 骨钙溶出: bone dissolution
23. 软组织、血管壁: soft tissue, vascular wall
24. 高血压、动脉硬化: hypertension and arteriosclerosis
25. 避免矫枉过正: avoid hypercorrection
26. 动物脂肪: animal fat
27. 动物内脏和蛋黄: animal internal organs/yolk
28. 氨基酸摄入不足: insufficient intake of amino acid
29. 血脂异常: abnormal blood cholesterol
30. 营养均衡: nutritional balance
31. 蛋白质摄入: protein intake
32. 营养均衡: nutritional balance
33. 咀嚼功能严重下降: decline of chewing function
34. 血栓: thrombus
35. 营养差异: nutritional discrepancy