2017.08.15 18:01



  Consumer products消费品His and hers男性的和女性的Companies hungry for profits are playing the gender card公司通过产品上的性别标识来渴求实现盈利。Jul 23rd 2016 | From the print edition

  “GENTLEMEN, it’s time for us to be done with women’s cleaning products,” suggests the website for Hero Clean, a line of American products aimed at men that Elizabeth Sweet, a professor at the University of California, Davis, came upon while shopping in California.“No more pastel bottles with puppies, babies and dewy meadows.”他发现,“缺少带有小狗,婴儿和露水草地的色彩缤纷的小瓶。”

  Only a tiny group of products merit distinction by gender. “Anything meant for your genitals,” says another gender expert, Lisa Wade of Occidental College. Yet needlessly gendered items are proliferating. Q-TIPS now offers “men’s ultimate” cotton swabs for men whose earwax would overwhelm ladylike swabs. A firm in California called Daisy Rock hawks hot pink sparkle-coated “girl guitars” to women. Banana Boat, a sunscreen brand, sells black bottles of sun lotion to men who can’t touch its less masculine orange packaging.只有一小部分商品是依据性别分类。另一位来自韦德西方学院的性别专家丽莎提出'一切事物都可以体现出你的性别'。但市场上许多没必要按性别分类的产品正在大量产生。现在,相比女性专用棉签,Q-TIPS为男性提供'男士专利'的棉签,由于男性耳垢不便使用女用棉签去除。在加利佛尼亚,一家叫做丹斯洛克的公司专为为女性提供染亮粉颜色的'女式吉他'。一家防晒品牌香蕉船,为不想购买橙色包装的男士提供黑色瓶装的防晒产品。

  gendered items: 按性别分类的商品Proliferating : 增加,大量产生

  There has been a huge shift towards gendered marketing since the 1950s when even beauty products were often gender-neutral, says Ms Sweet. One is that because men and women are increasingly doing the same things, such as attending the same universities, doing the same jobs and household duties, marketers see a chance to appeal to an older instinct, for differentiation.在20世纪50年代,甚至连美容产品也经常是不区分性别的,而之后,按性别分类的市场已经发生了重大的转变, Ms Sweet这样说道。有一种理论认为发生这种转变的原因是,越来越多的男性和女性正在做着同样的事情,比如,同样上大学,同样做工作和家务。市场营销人员发现了一种能够利用男女差异化这种古老天性的机会。

  Some firms are even trying to charge women more for the same products. A 2015 study in New York city found that women’s products cost more two-fifths of the time. But many of the new gendered products are for men. Powerful Yogurt, a food company, has begun producing high-protein yogurt in black tubs. Mammoth Supply, a New Zealand-based producer of bottled iced-coffee, urges men to embrace their new domesticised reality. “Don’t just clear the leaves: eliminate them. Don’t just do the chores: annihilate them.” Bulldog Skincare peddles moisturisers “built for men”.某些公司甚至还试图在同一产品上对女性索要高价。一项2015年在纽约进行的调研发现,当时购买女性产品要花费比原价高五分之二的价格。而且许多按性别分类的新型产品专为男性设计。Powerful Yogurt,一家食品公司,已经开始生产黑色桶装的高蛋白酸奶了。Mammoth Supply, 一家生产瓶装冰咖啡的新西兰公司,鼓励男性接受他们新型家庭现实生活。“不只是简单地清扫树叶,要根除它们。不要只是简单地做杂务,要消灭它们”。Bulldog Skincare公司售卖专为男性定制的润肤膏。

  Other firms are treading more carefully. Following complaints about gender-based signs last year, Target, an American retailer, removed mentions of it from the kids’ bedding and toy sections. Some firms, such as Johnson & Johnson, a health-care firm, via its Clean & Clear brand, are even embracing transgender themes in their marketing.其他公司的行事相对更谨慎一些。去年,随着人们对商品上性别标志的投诉,Target,一家美国零售商,取消了孩童寝具和玩具部分上的性别标志。某些公司,如Johnson & Johnson公司——一家卫生保健公司,通过其旗下 Clean & Clear品牌,甚至在市场营销中提出了跨性别主题。

  Treading: 步行,行事health-care: 医疗保健

  Many consumers are resisting the gender card. Reviews on the Amazon page of Bic for Her pens, which are like any other pen except pink and purple, are sarcastic. One reviewer told how his wife, attempting to use his man-keyboard, faints until he revives her with smelling salts. Men may be from Mars and women from Venus, but both seem to agree that when it comes to pens, everyone can share.许多消费者正在抵制性别标识。回想起在亚马逊网站上的Bic 女性用笔,除了颜色是粉色和紫色,这些笔和其他的一模一样,真是一种讽刺。一位评论员说,他的妻子尝试使用他的男性专用键盘,结果晕倒了,最后他用嗅盐唤醒了妻子。男人可能来自火星,女人可能来自金星,但所有人应当对此达成一致,即在笔这一事物上,人人都可以共享。



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