基 本 情 况 | 姓 名 | 胡衡 | 性 别 | 男 | 出生年月 | 1978年7月 |
学历学位 | 博士 | 职 称 | 教授 | 博导/硕导 | 博导 | |
邮 编 | 430072 | 办公电话 | 027-68776630 | 手 机 | ||
通信地址 | 武汉大学 土木建筑工程学院 | Email | huheng@whu.edu.cn | |||
主 要 经 历 | 学习经历 1. 2003年-2006年:法国梅斯大学(Université Paul Verlaine-Metz)力学博士。 2. 2002年-2003年:法国勃艮第大学(Université de Bourgogne)工学硕士。 3. 2001年-2003年:法国汽车与交通学院(Institut Supérieur de l’Automobile et des Transports)工程师学位。 4. 2000年-2003年:武汉理工大学工学硕士。 5. 1996年-2000年:武汉理工大学工学学士。 | |||||
任职经历 1. 2011至今:武汉大学土木建筑工程学院教授(破格晋升)。 2. 2007至2011年:武汉大学土木建筑工程学院副教授。 3. 2008年至今:20余次受邀至法国洛林大学、卢森堡科学技术研究院 、葡萄牙波尔图大学及意大利都灵理工大学等学术机构访问交流。 4. 2006至2007年:法国巴黎综合理工 (Ecole Polytechnique) 博士后。 | ||||||
主 讲 课 程 | 含本科生和研究生课程 1. 本科生课程:弹性力学及有限元、复合材料力学。 2. 研究生课程:结构分析程序设计、高等复合材料力学。 | |||||
科 学 研 究 | 主要研究领域 1. 多尺度建模与跨尺度关联。 2. 复合材料结构。 3. 薄膜失稳。 | |||||
主要论文著作(SCI收录的期刊论文) 1. Liu, Y., Liang, S.-Y., Huang, Q., Hu, H.*, Zheng, Y.-G., Zhang, H.-W., 2017. A robust Riks-like path following method for strain-actuated snap-through phenomena in soft solids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, DOI: 10.1016/j.cma.2017.05.010. 2. Yang, J., Hu, H.*, Potier-Ferry, M., 2017. Solving large scale problems by Taylor Meshless Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, accepted, DOI:10.1002/nme.5508. 3. Huang, Q., Liu, Y., Hu, H.*, Shao, Q., Giunta, G., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., 2017. A Fourier-related double scale analysis on the instability phenomena of sandwich plates, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 318, 270-295. 4. Huang, Q., Xu, R., Liu, Y., Hu, H.*, Giunta, G., Belouettar, S. Potier-Ferry, M., 2017. A two-dimensional Fourier-series finite element for wrinkling analysis of thin films on compliant substrates, Thin-walled Structures 114, 244-153. 5. Huang, Q., Yang, J., Huang, W., Liu, Y., Hu, H.*, Giunta, G., Belouettar, S., 2016. A new Fourier-related double scale analysis for wrinkling analysis of thin films on compliant substrates. Composite Structures 160, 613-624. 6. Hui, Y., Giunta, G., Belouettar, Huang, Q., Hu, H., Carrera, E., 2016. A free vibration analysis of three-dimensional sandwich beams using hierarchical one-dimensional finite elements. Composites Part B: Engineering, 110, 7-19. 7. De Pietro, G., Hui, Y., Giunta, G., Belouettar, S., Carrera, E., Hu, H., 2016. Hierarchical one-dimensional finite elements for the thermal stress analysis of three-dimensional functionally graded beams. Composite Structures 153, 514-528. 8. Biscani, F., Giunta, G., Belouettar, S., Hu, H., Carrera, E., 2016. Mixed-dimensional modeling by means of solid and higher-order multi-layered plate finite elements. Mechanics of Advanced Materials And Structures 0, 1-12. 9. Potier-Ferry, M., Mohri, F., Xu, F., Damil, N., Braikat, B., Mhada, K., Hu, H., Huang Q., Nezamabadi, S., 2016. Cellular instabilities analyzed by multi-scale Fourier series: A review. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 9, #13. 10. Yang, J., Huang, Q., Hu, H.*, Giunta, G., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., 2015. A new family of finite elements for wrinkling analysis of thin films on compliant substrates. Composite Structures 119, 568-577. 11. Huang, Q., Hu, H.*, Kun Yu, Potier-Ferry, M., Belouettar, S., Damil, N., 2015. Macroscopic simulation of membrane wrinkling for various loading cases. International Journal of Solids and Structures 64-65, 246-258. 12. Yu, K., Hu, H.*, Tang, H., Giunta, G., Potier-Ferry, M., Belouettar, S., 2015. A novel two-dimensional finite element to study the instability phenomena of sandwich plates. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283, 1117-1137. 13. Attipou, K., Hu, H., Mohri, F., Potier-Ferry, M., Belouettar, S., 2015. Thermal wrinkling of thin membranes using a Fourier-related double scale approach. Thin-Walled Structures 94, 532-544. 14. Sun, X.-Y., Hu, H., Cao, C., Xu, Y.-J., 2015. Anisotropic vacancy-defect-induced fracture strength loss of graphene. RSC Advances 5, 13623-13627. 15. Xu, F., Potier-Ferry, M., Belouettar, S., Hu, H., 2015. Multiple bifurcations in wrinkling analysis of thin films on compliant substrates. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 76, 203–222. 16. Xu, F., Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., 2014. Bridging techniques in a multi-scale modeling of pattern formation. International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 3119-3134. 17. Damil, N., Potier-Ferry, M., Hu, H., 2013. New nonlinear multi-scale models for wrinkled membranes. Comptes Rendus Mecanique 341, 616-624. 18. Giunta, G., Koutsawa, Y., Belouettar, S., Hu, H., 2013. Analysis of nano-plates by atomistic-refined models accounting for surface free energy effect. Acta Mechanica 224, 1-21. 19. Giunta, G., Koutsawa, Y., Belouettar, S., Hu, H., 2013. Static, free vibration and stability analysis of three-dimensional nano-beams by atomistic refined models accounting for surface free energy effect. International Journal of Solids and Structures 50, 1460-1472. 20. Yu, K., Hu, H.*, Chen S., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., 2013. Multi-scale techniques to analyz instabilities in sandwich structures. Composite Structures 96, 751-762. 21. Mikdam, A., Belouettar, R., Fiorelli, D., Hu, H., Makradi, A., 2013. A tool for design of heterogeneous materials with desired physical properties using statistical continuum theory. Materials Science and Engineering: A 564, 493-500. 22. Liu, Y., Yu, K., Hu, H.*, Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., Damil, N., 2012. A new Fourier-related double-scale analysis on instability phenomena of sandwich structures. International Journal of Solids and Structures 49, 3077-3088. 23. Mhada, K., Braikat, B., Hu, H., Damil, N., Potier-Ferry, M., 2012. About macroscopic models of instability pattern formation. International Journal of Solids and Structures 49, 2978-2989. 24. Biscani, F., Giunta, G., Belouettar, S., Carrera, E., Hu, H., 2012. Variable kinematic plate elements coupled via Arlequin method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 91, 1264-1290. 25. Nasser H., Kiefer-Kamal, E.-H., Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Barkanov, E., 2012. Active vibration damping of composite structures using a nonlinear fuzzy controller, Composite Structures 94, 1385-1390. 26.Hu, H., Damil, N., Potier-Ferry, M., 2011. A bridging technique to analyze the influence of boundary conditions on instability patterns. Journal of Computational Physics 230, 3753-3764, 2011. 27. He, Q. Z., Hu, H.*, Belouettar, S., Giunta, G., Yu, K., Liu, Y., Carrera, E., Potier-Ferry, M., 2011. Multi-scale modelling of sandwich structures using hierarchical kinematics. Composite Structures 93, 2375-2383. 28. Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., Makradi, A., Koutsawa, Y., 2011. Assessment of various kinematic models for instability analysis of sandwich beams. Engineering Structures 33, 572-579. 29. Biscani, F., Giunta, G., Belouettar, S., Carrera, E., Hu, H., 2011. Variable kinematic beam elements coupled via Arlequin method. Composite Structures 93, 697-708. 30. Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., Daya, E. M., Makradi, A., 2010. Multi-scale nonlinear modelling of sandwich structures using the Arlequin method. Composite Structures 92, 515-522. 31. Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., Daya, E. M., Makradi, A., 2009. A novel finite element for local and global buckling analysis of sandwich structures. Composite Structures 90, 270-278. 32. Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., Daya, E. M., Makradi, A., 2009. Multi-scale modelling of sandwich structures using the Arlequin method -Part I: linear modelling. Finite Element in Analysis and Design 45, 37-51. 33. Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Potier-Ferry, M., Daya, E. M., 2008. Review and assessment of various theories for modeling sandwich structures. Composite Structures 84, 282-292. 34. Hu, H., Belouettar, S., Daya, E. M., Potier-Ferry, M., 2006. Evaluation of kinematic formulations for viscoelastically sandwich beam modelling. Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 8: 477-495. | ||||||
承担的主要科研项目 1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目1项、青年基金1项。 2. 主持“中法蔡元培项目”1项。 3. 主持湖北省国际合作(中法)项目1项。 4. 主持湖北省自然科学基金重点项目1项。 5. 合作主持卢森堡国家科学基金国际交流项目3项。 6. 主持教育部留学回国科研启动基金1项。 7. 作为中方负责人参与卢森堡国家科学基金核心项目1项。 | ||||||
获 奖 及 荣 誉 | 1. 2015年遴选为武汉大学“珞珈特聘教授”。 2. 2015年获“全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖”。 3. 获湖北省第十三届、第十四届自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖(第一作者)。 4. 2011-2014受聘武汉大学“珞珈青年学者”。 5. 2006年获教育部颁发的“国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”。 | |||||
主要社会和 学术兼职 | 1. Composite Structures(Elsevier, IF=3.853)副主编 2. 中国力学学会第八届固体力学专业委员会断裂与疲劳专业组成员 3. 湖北省力学学会常务理事 4. 武汉大学土木建筑工程学院副院长 |