Qingzhou MAO
LISMARS,Wuhan University
129 Luoyu street,Wuhan,Hubei,PRC.
Email: qzhmao@whu.edu.cn
毛庆洲 ,男,副教授,工学博士,毕业于武汉大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室摄影测量与遥感专业。主要从事测绘新仪器开发及数据智能处理、工业/工程检测与测量新技术及装置、多传感器集成精密定位与导航理论与方法等领域的研究工作,主持开发了高速铁路轨道智能检测系统、车载道路快速检测与测量系统、激光动态弯沉测量系统、无人直升机三维测量系统、车载全景影像采集系统以及地面三维激光扫描仪等,发表论文20余篇,主持和参与了973、863和自然科学基金等多项国家科研项目,获得省部级科技奖励2项。
Dr. Mao is an associate professor who graduated from photogrammetry and remote sensing major in the LISMARS of Wuhan University. Now, Qingzhou Mao’s research interests cover the development of surveying & mapping equipment and intelligent data analysis, the advanced technology and instrument of industrial/engineering detection and measuring, the theory of precision positioning and navigation, etc. He led to develop the automatic fastener state testing wagon which is used in the high speed railway, fast vehicle-mounted road testing and measuring system, 3-D UAV based measuring system, dynamic laser deflection measuring system, vehicle-mounted panoramic image acquisition system, 3-D high-precision road laser scanner and so on. Dr. Mao has published more than 20 papers, led or participated in many national research projects such as “Project 973” and “Project 863”, won 2 provincial-level research prizes.
For more information, see Qingzhou MAO’s complete CV.