2016.10.20 18:11



  Religious freedom in Malaysia马来西亚的宗教自由

  Taking the rap 承担责任

  Malaysia’s culture of tolerance is under threat马西来亚的容忍文化面临威胁

  Sep 24th 2016 | KUALA LUMPUR | From the print edition

  NAMEWEE is a Malaysian rapper with a penchant for extravaganteyeware and a dangerous interest in politics. Police picked him up at the country’s main airport in August, when he flew home from a spell abroad. A score of touchy groups had complained that an early cut of his latest video—which featured performers dressed as religious leaders gadding about a church, a mosque and a Chinese temple—insulted the dignity of Islam, a charge punishable by two years in prison. Authorities talked about asking Interpol to help them question his collaborators, a three-piece band based in Taiwan.

  (名词动词化)黄志明(音译),马来西亚的说唱歌手,极其偏好不负责任的言辞,超级关注政治事件.今年8月黄志明从国外短暂逗留归来,警察在国内骨干机场将其拘捕.起因是敏感的教民对他最新的视频表示不满,剪辑的前半部分出现了着宗教领袖服装的演唱者,说唱内容涉及教堂,清真寺,中式的寺庙. 这一行为侮辱了伊斯兰教的尊严,按律应判两年有期徒刑.当局也商讨邀请国际刑警协助,审讯黄驻扎在台湾的3人乐队的另两位音乐人.

  In gentler times Namewee’s only offence might have been crimes against music. But Malaysian Islam is gradually growing sterner, and its promotion by the state more aggressive. These trends are getting a boost under the government of the prime minister, Najib Razak. Tormented by claims that a national investment firm has been looted, his party is keen to change the subject. So it is recasting itself as a defender of Islam, the religion of its ethnic-Malay supporters. All this is souring race relations and worrying neighbours, who fear the shift will nurture extremism.如果在宗教温和时期, 黄志明唯一的不端行为可以称之为所谓的‘反音乐’。但是马来西亚的伊斯兰教变得日益严苛,政府也不断地推波助澜。这种趋势在总理纳吉布拉扎克执政后更进一步。纳吉布因侵占国有资金的指控备受压力,所在党‘巫统’乐于转移民众的视线:重新把自己定位成受马来人支持的伊斯兰教的捍卫者。这也无形中加剧了种族关系矛盾和周边国家的忧虑,担心此举会滋生极端主义。

  A little over 60% of Malaysia’s 32m citizens are Muslims, mainly ethnic Malays. Most of the rest—including Malaysians of Chinese and Indian descent, as well as various indigenous tribes—are Buddhist, Christian, Hindu or not religious. A constitution propagated at the end of British rule in 1957 guarantees non-Malays the right to follow a religion of their choosing, while also proclaiming, “Islam is the religion of the Federation.”在马来西亚,3200,0000国民中,60%多一点信奉伊斯兰教,其中大部分是马来人。余下的大多数,包括华裔马来人和印度血统的人,以及很多土著部落,信奉佛教,基督教,印度教,部分人无任何信仰。1957年英国殖民统治末期的宪法保障非马来人享有选择宗教信仰的权利,但是同时又声称‘伊斯兰教是马来西亚联邦的国教’

  That compromise has spurred endless debate over how far the government should patronise the faith of the majority. The United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the outfit that has led Malaysia’s ruling coalitions since independence, found religion in the 1980s while fending off a challenge from a pious opposition party. Mahathir Mohamad, UMNO president and prime minister from 1981 to 2003, claimed that Malaysia was an “Islamic country”. His government created a department within the prime minister’s office to regulate and promote Islam.这种折中的作法引发了无休止的争论:政府在干涉大多数人信仰方面应该走多远。上世纪80年代,马来西亚独立后一直执政的政党,马来西亚统一机构(巫统)抵挡住来自笃信宗教的反对党的挑战,确立了国教。1981年至2003年执政期间,巫统马哈蒂尔穆罕默德总统宣布马来西亚为伊斯兰教国家。政府在总理办公室内建立了一个专门机构以规范促进伊斯兰教的发展。

  Malaysian Islam has grown increasingly conservative in the years since, influenced by austere theologies from the Middle East. Its promotion is a particular preoccupation of Malay nationalists, who insist the country’s minorities have secured an unfair helping of its wealth. (Chinese and Indian Malaysians do better in school and tend to earn more.) Meanwhile the country’s Islamic bureaucracy has expanded at both the federal and state level. Religious officials occasionally raid hotels in search of unmarried Muslim couples and other deviants (Justice for Sisters, a campaign group, says that at least 63 transgender women were arrested between January and May); Shia Muslims are also persecuted. A ruling in August reiterated that Malaysian Muslims may not leave the faith without the consent of the Islamic authorities, who never give it.近年来,受中东神学论的影响,马拉西亚伊斯兰教变得日益保守。马来民族主义者坚称少数人占据了大部分的财富,(中国人和印裔马来人在学校成绩突出,因此毕业后赚钱相对更多。)强烈的偏见使这种趋势加剧。同时伊斯兰教的官僚服务机构在联邦和洲的范围内均得到发展。宗教官员偶尔突击检查酒店搜索未婚夫妻以及其他的违反教义者。(一个名为‘为了姐妹们的正义’的组织,称一月至五月间至少有63名变性妇女被捕。)什叶派穆斯林也遭受迫害。八月的裁决重申:只有在伊斯兰教当局的同意下,马来伊斯兰教信徒才能放弃信仰,当然,当局永远不会同意。 In theory Malaysia’s non-Muslims are not subject to religious rules, but the atmosphere often affects them. Hostility towards church-building means that growing Christian congregations are meeting in warehouses and empty shops, says a clergyman. Functionaries in some public buildings have required Malaysians to cover their legs before gaining access to government services. Only last month bureaucrats said they preferred not to let Muslim families hire non-Muslim maids. Critics of religious authorities are often branded anti-Muslim; outspoken ones have sometimes been charged with sedition.理论上讲,在马来西亚,非穆斯林人士不应受到伊斯兰教的约束,但是大环境的影响往往使他们避之不及。据一个牧师反映,迫于针对教堂的敌意,越来越多的基督教集会改在仓库和空置的商店进行。一些政府机构已经要求马来人进入政府服务机构前遮盖腿部。就在上个月,当局还表明不赞同穆斯林家庭雇佣非穆斯林佣人。宗教批评人士常常被贴上反穆斯林的标签,直言不讳者还时而受到煽动言论的指控。

  Mr Najib says the government will give secular courts, not Islamic ones, the sole right to rule in divorces when only one spouse is Muslim. That will simplify a handful of cases where people try to game the system. (For example, a divorcing husband converts to Islam on the assumption that the Islamic courts will give him custody of the kids.) Yet broadly Mr Najib is seen to be less independent-minded than his predecessors about religious policy, and more reliant on Islamic advisers.纳吉布宣称政府将赋予世俗而非宗教法院以专有的权利,对于夫妇一方为穆斯林的夫妻离婚案作出裁决。这样就简化了一系类案件的审理过程,这其中人们试图钻制度规定的空子(例如,申请离婚的男方转信伊斯兰教,意图指望伊斯兰法庭能将孩子的监护权判给他)。在宗教政策上,公众普遍认为纳吉布较之前任缺乏独断性,更多地依赖于伊斯兰教顾问。

  Moreover, his party looks less inclined to rein in Islamist firebrands as threats to its six-decade rule mount. Mr Najib nearly lost a general election in 2013, when minority voters abandoned UMNO’s coalition partners. Since then it has emerged that billions of dollars went missing from 1MDB, a state-owned investment firm, during the prime minister’s first term. Mr Najib denies receiving any of the cash. He has kept his job even though an investigation by America’s Department of Justice, made public in July, appears to implicate him.而且,在执政将满60年之际,巫统所在党视乎不愿对宗教叛乱者加以控制。在2013年的选举中,少数民族选民放弃了巫统的合作党,纳吉布险些落选。2013年当选之后,在其担任总理的第一个任期内,国有投资公司,1MDB(1Malaysia Development Berhad,马来西亚主权财富基金)出现数十亿的美元流失。纳吉布本人否认收受任何非法现金。美国司法部在7月公布的对高盛的调查结果显示纳吉布牵扯其中,但其依然稳居总理宝座。

  Perhaps seeking an alliance that could sustain UMNO even without support from minorities, Mr Najib is cosying up to the Islamist opposition. In May his party fast-tracked the reading of a bill proposed by the Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS), which is seeking to increase the punishments Islamic courts may inflict on Muslims convicted of religious offences. Currently these are limited to a fine, six strokes of the cane or three years in jail. Some in PAS think that Muslims who drink alcohol should receive as many as 80 lashes, and those who have sex outside marriage 100.虽然丧失了少数民族的支持,也许为了寻求维持巫统统治的联盟,纳吉布正极力讨好伊斯兰的反对派。5月,巫统快速审议了泛马来西亚伊斯兰党(PAS,以下简称泛马来党)的提案,提案希望伊斯兰法院对于忤逆宗教的穆斯林加重处罚。目前的惩罚措施仅限于罚款,棍击6下或3年徒刑。部分泛马来党成员提议对私自饮酒的穆斯林处以80鞭刑,婚外性行为100鞭刑 UMNO had long opposed such measures, which some see as a step towards hand-chopping and stoning. The party may simply be dwelling on the subject because it has helped to tear apart the uneasy opposition alliance, which until recently included both PAS and secular parties. But UMNO may eventually conclude that more floggings are a reasonable price to pay for support from PAS.巫统长期反对以上的刑罚措施,其中一些人认为这些刑罚的实施会导致剁手和石刑的出现。巫统也许会谨慎考虑此议题,因为这有助于脱离处境不稳的反对派联盟,目前联盟包括泛马来党和其他非宗教政党。最后巫统也许会裁定加重鞭刑,作为对泛马来党的支持所作出的合乎情理的回报。

  All this is bound to exacerbate an exodus of young Malaysians, including many moderate Muslims. The World Bank has found that the number of Malaysians living in rich countries roughly tripled between 1990 and 2010, and that more than half of these emigrants have university degrees. A gradual exodus of minorities delights Malay supremacists but will make the country poorer.但这必然加大马来西亚年轻人的移民倾向,其中包括很多温和穆斯林。世界银行发现,1990年至2010年间,住在富裕国家的马来西亚人数增长了两倍,其中超过一半的移民拥有大学学历。少数民族逐渐移民他国为马来至上主义者所喜,却导致国家经济下滑。

  A more immediate worry is that a rise in racially charged rhetoric will encourage radicals. Nearly 70 Malaysians have had their passports cancelled after joining Islamic State (IS)# in the Middle East. Police recently arrested three men said to be plotting attacks on nightspots and a Hindu temple. Last year 11% of Malaysians quizzed by Pew, a pollster, claimed to have a “favourable” view of IS, compared with only 4% in neighbouring Indonesia. That, surely, should be a more pressing concern than Namewee’s videos.种族色彩言论的激增会进一步鼓舞宗教激进分子,这也是目前民众更忧虑的问题。近70位马来西亚人在中东加入伊斯兰国(IS)组织之后,注销了自己的护照。警察近期逮捕了三个男人,据说他们策划袭击夜总会和印度寺庙。读者试译句。



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