2016.06.20 14:05




  I 用于摘要开头的

  In this article, the author discusses [introduces; tells us about; writes about ] the advantages and disadvantages of [three major causes of; the development of; the differences and similarities between; the significant effects of; the experience of; the importance of; three methods of; the necessity of; the objectives of; the key points of; some remarkable problems in; the process of; the relationship between; three different types of; the useful ways of] + 名词,动词词组


  1. 本文作者阐述了许多年轻父母在育儿问题上的误区。

  In this article, the author writes about a wrong idea held by many young parents in rearing / bring up their children. (97年考题)

  2. 本文作者介绍了心理咨询在我国大学的发展。

  In this article, the author introduces the development of psychological consultation in Chinese colleges. (98年考题)

  3. 本文作者讨论了社区健康教育的好处。

  In this article, the author discusses the advantages of community health service. (99年考题)

  4. 本文作者阐述了健康教育在未来医学中的重要性。

  In this article, the author writes about the importance of health education in the future medicine. (00年考题)

  5. 本文作者阐述了再寒冷的冬季进行体育锻炼应该注意的自我保健问题。

  In this article, the author tells us about some key points of self health care that we should pay attention to when we do physical exercises in cold winter. (01考题)

  6. 本文作者阐述了如何保持充沛的精力的方法。

  In this article, the author writes about ways of keeping energetic/ keeping vitality constantly. (02年考题)

  7. 本文作者阐述了早餐的重要性以及介绍了不同人的科学合理的早餐。

  In this article, the author writes about the importance of breakfast and introduces some reasonable and scientific kinds of breakfast for people of different ages. (03考题)

  8. 本文作者阐述了我国加入世贸后三种不同医院的优缺点。

  In this article, the author writes about advantages and disadvantages of three different kinds of hospital after China joined WTO. (04考题)

  9. 本文作者阐述了什么是艾滋病以及如何防治艾滋病。

  In this article, the author tells us what AIDS is and how it is treated and prevented.(05年考题)

  II 用于摘要中中间适当地方的

  The author also thinks [cites evidence to show; emphasizes; points out; suggests; supports the notion] that +句子(suggests后面的句子要用should+动词原形的虚拟语气)

  The author also advises ab. to do sth. [against doing sth.; on sth.]


  1. 作者用例证表明,碳水化合物在维持身体正常功能方面具有非常重要的作用。

  The author also cites evidence to show that carbohydrates play an important role in maintaining the proper functioning of the body. (97年考题)

  2. 作者用例证表明,心理障碍如果处理不当,能引起悲剧的发生。

  The author also cites evidence to show that mental disorders can lead to tragic results if they are not properly treated. (98年考题)

  3. 作者用例证表明,在许多情况下,对病人全面情况的熟悉和了解比普通门诊的医疗质量高。

  The author also cites evidence to show that in many cases familiarity and full understanding of the overall conditions of the patients lead to a better result than conventional clinic treatment. (99年考题)

  4. 作者还认为,我国在健康教育方面经验不足。

  The author also thinks that our country has not had much experience in health education. (00年考题)

  5. 作者指出,冰雪项目锻炼中,膳食中维生素也应相应增加。

  The author also points out that we should take in more vitamins in our food when we go in for snow and ice sport events. (01考题)

  6. 作者强调,到负离子充沛的公园和林区,很有好处。

  The author also emphasizes that it is very beneficial for us to go to parks and forests where there are plenty of anions in the air. (02年考题)

  7. 作者建议,老年人要少吃油炸食品和甜食。

  The author also suggests that old people should eat less fried food or sweet food. (03年考题)

  The author also advises old people to eat less fried food or sweet food. (03年考题)

  8. 作者认为,随着社会观念的变化和正常环境的改善,民营医院必能与公立医院互争高低。

  The author supports the notion that with the change of social mentality and improvement of policy private hospitals will become strong competitors with public ones. (04年考题)

  9. 作者指出,尽管艾滋病是一种病死率极高的严重传染病,目前还没有治愈的药物和方法,但可预防。

  The author also points out that although there is no cure for this fatal infectious disease it can be prevented. (05年考题)

  III 用于摘要结尾的,注意不同于上面基本句型的表达方式

  In conclusion, the writer tells us [emphasizes; indicates; points out; says; suggests; supports the notion] that +句子(suggests后面的句子要用should+动词原形的虚拟语气)

  In conclusion, the author advises sb. to do sth. [against doing sth.; on sth.]


  1. 最后作者指出,要走出误区,给孩子们提供足够的粮食类食品。

  In conclusion, the writer says that people should get rid of the wrong idea and provide enough grain food for the children. (97年考题)

  2. 最后作者强调,如何让学生正确认识心理咨询,并能主动参与,是个亟待解决的问题。

  In conclusion, the writer emphasizes that it is a great task to make college students understand the advantages of psychological consultation and take an active part in it. (98年考题)

  3. 最后作者指出,社区卫生服务有人文医学精神,不但能防治好躯体疾病,还能解除人们行为心理上的烦恼,使人民健康水平更上一层楼。

  In conclusion, the writer indicates that with humanist spirit the community health service can improve people’s health conditions because it can not only treat physical diseases but also mental disorders. (99年考题)

  4. 最后作者建议,搞好健康教育需要医务人员的配合,因为防病比治病更重要更有效。

  In conclusion, the writer suggests that all the medical workers should take part in the health education, because prevention of diseases is more important and effective than treatment of diseases. (00年考题)

  5. 最后作者建议,对于严重的疾病患者,冬天的锻炼更应适度,锻炼时应根据病情变化适当减少或增加幅度。

  In conclusion, the writer suggests that people with serious diseases should go in for physical exercises in cold winter to a proper extent and change the intensity according to their conditions of the diseases. (01年考题)

  6. 最后作者指出了深呼吸的方法。

  In conclusion, the writer tells us the ways we take deep breath there.

  7. 最后作者指出,老年人少吃动物内脏,因为胆固醇含量甚高。

  In conclusion, the writer points out that old people should not often eat animal internal organs because they contain too much cholesterol. (03年考题)

  8. 最后作者指出,公立医院纷纷实施了技术、服务、环境、价格方面的改革措施。

  In conclusion, the writer points out that public hospitals are also taking many effective measures concerning technology, service, environment and prices. (04考题)

  9. 最后作者阐述了预防艾滋病的方法。

  In conclusion, the writer writes about the ways of preventing AIDS. (05年考题)



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