2015.07.21 11:39






  通讯地址:北京大学地球与空间科学学院 100871








  1991年之后在北京大学地球物理系工作。1993、1994年先后两次在意大利国际理论物理中心(ICTP)访问。1996年被破格提升为副教授。1997年赴德国马普高空大气所(MPAe)做访问研究, 2001年回国到北京大学地球与空间科学学院工作,2003年晋升为北京大学教授,博士生导师。曾任北京大学空间物理与应用技术研究所所长。主要从事地球磁层物理方面的研究,发表与合作发表科研论文80余篇。




  现任中国空间科学学会空间物理专业委员会委员, 中国地球物理学会空间天气专业委员会副主任委员,中国地球空间双星探测计划中国工作队成员,FGM合作科学家,欧空局CLUSTER卫星计划RAPID项目合作科学家,曾任亚太地球物理学会( AOGS)磁层组学术秘书职务等, 并担任《中国物理快报》等期刊特约编审










  [1] Pu, Z.Y., S.Y. Fu,? and? S.C. Guo,? The Properties of Kinetic Drift Unstable Modes at the Magnetopause in a Collisionless Plasma, in Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Plasma-Matter Interaction, ?p.35, ?1989.

  [2] 濮祖荫、傅绥燕、郭世宠、刘振兴, 磁层顶的漂移动力学Alfven波不稳定性和反常输运, 地球物理学报, V.34, ?p.404, ?1991.??

  [3] Fu, S.Y., ?Z.Y. Pu,? and Z.X. Liu,?? Vortex-induced Stochastic reconnection in? the Solar Wind-Magnetospheric? Boundary? Region,? in? The fourth International? School for Space Simulations, ?p.134, ?1991.*

  [4] 傅绥燕、濮祖荫、刘振兴,? 磁层顶的涡旋诱发重联和单 X 线重联, 地球物理学报, V.36, p.553-, 1993.*

  [5] 傅绥燕、濮祖荫、刘振兴, 地球磁层顶湍动重联的数值模拟, 地球物理学报, V.37, p.282-, 1994.*

  [6] 濮祖荫、傅绥燕、刘振兴, 磁场湍动重联的新模型,? 科学通报, V.39, p.1584, 1994.

  [7] 濮祖荫、傅绥燕、李尧亭、陈祖幸、刘振兴、A. Korth、G. Kremser, 磁层亚暴膨胀相的近地触发模型, 空间科学学报, V.14, p.30, 1994.

  [8] 傅绥燕、濮祖荫、李尧亭、刘振兴,? 磁层顶剪切系统的非线性性态和混沌, 中国科学(A), V.24, p.424, 1994.*? ?(英文版:Science in China (A), 37, N.12, p.1497, 1994) . [SCI QH632]

  [9] 濮祖荫、傅绥燕, 磁场二维随机重联, 非线性科学和数值模拟通讯,? p.1,? 1994.

  [10] Fu, S.Y., Z.Y. Pu, and Z.X. Liu, Vortex-Induced Magnetic Reconnection and Single X Line Reconnection at the Magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 5657-5663, 1995. ?[SCIQR195]

  [11] Fu, S.Y., Pu, Z.Y., Z.X. Liu, and Zong, Q. G., Simulation Study on Stochastic Reconnection at the Magnetopause, J. Geophys. Res, 100, 12001-12009, 1995.? [SCIRG737]

  [12] Pu, Z.Y.,? S.Y. Fu,? Z.X. Liu,? and? F. Li,? Vortex-Induced Reconnection and Turbulent Reconnection? in? Magnetospheric? Boundary Region,? in? AGU Geophysical? Monograph 86, Space Plasma: Coupling Between Small and Medium Processes,? ed. by M.Ashour-Abdalla et al., p.181, 1995.

  [13] Fu, S.Y., Pu, Z.Y., Gao S.C., and Z.X. Liu, Kinetic Alfven Wave Instability and Wave-Particle Interaction at the Magnetopause, in AGU Monograph 86:Space Plasma: Coupling Between Small and Medium Processes, ed. by M.Ashour-Abdalla et al., p.73, 1995.*

  [14] 傅绥燕、李尧亭、濮祖荫,? 带电粒子在尾瓣磁场中的非线性运动,? 1995年中国青年学者技术科学讨论会, 1995.*

  [15] Pu, Z.Y.,? and? Fu, S.Y.,? Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause in the Presence of a Velocity Shear, in 1996 International Conference on Plasma Physics, Nagoya, Japan, p.9Y3, (特邀报告) 1996.

  [17] 濮祖荫、洪明华、王宪民,陈祖幸、傅绥燕、宗球刚、王敬芳、刘振兴等,? 亚暴膨胀相近磁尾位形不稳定性模型 1. 近磁尾位性不稳定性模型, 地球物物理学报, V.39, p. 441. 1996. (英文版:Pu et al., A Substorm Expansion Model Based on Configuration Instability of the Near-Earth Magnetotail. I. Configuration Instability in the Near-Earth Magnetotail., Chinese J. of Geophysics., V.39, N.4, 461-472, 1996).

  [18] 濮祖荫、傅绥燕、颜小洋、康孔斌、徐良、刘振兴, 磁层顶侧面的的磁重联及其发电机效应,? “地磁、大气、空间研究和应用”,? pp.507, 地震出版社, 1996.

  [19]刘振兴、张洪、陈涛、濮祖荫、傅绥燕,? 磁层顶边界区的瞬时重联和等离子体团事件, "地磁、大气、空间研究和应用",? p.495, 地震出版社, 1996.

  [20] Pu, Z.Y.,? and? S.Y. Fu,? Transient Magnetic? Reconnection at the? Magnetopause in the Presence of a Velocity Shear, Plasma and Controlled Fusion, 39, A251-260, 1997. [SCIXD875]

  [21]Pu,? Z.Y., Korth, A., Chen, Z,X., R.H.W. Friedel, Q.G. Zong, ,XM. Wang, MH, Hong, SY. Fu,, Z.X. Liu,Pulllinen TI, MHD Drift Ballooning Instability Near the Inner Edge of the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet and Its Application to the Substorm Onset, J. Geophys. Res., 102, 14397-14406, 1997. [SCIXJ204]

  [22] Pu, Z.Y., Fu, S.Y., and Liu, Z.X,? Small and Medium-Scale? Magnetic Reconnection at the magnetopause,? in Proceedings of The Fifth International School/Symposium for Space Simulations, p.114, Kyoto, Japan, 1997.

  [23] Liu, Z.X, ...Pu, Z.Y., and Fu, S.Y., Magnetic Reconnection at the Magnetopause Boundary? Layer, in Extended? Abstract of? The Fifth International? School/Symposium for? Space Simulations, p.106, Kyoto, Japan, 1997. (特邀报告).

  [24] 濮祖荫、陈祖幸、傅绥燕、宗秋刚、刘振兴、R. Friedel、 A. Korth,能量粒子净通量强度分析法及其在磁层亚暴研究中的应用,赵九章先生纪念文集,p.238-253,叶笃正主编,科学出版社,1997.

  [25] 濮祖荫、康孔斌、洪明华、陈祖幸、傅绥燕、宗秋刚、刘振兴、R. Friedel、A. Korth,磁层亚暴的协同学全球模型,北京大学学报, V.34, N. 2-3, p.193-200, 1998.

  [26] 濮祖荫、徐良、徐涛、傅绥燕,刘振兴, 磁层顶向阳面磁重联,刘光鼎先生70华诞纪念文集,? 科学出版社, 798-809, 1998.

  [27] Pu, Z.Y., M.H. Hong, K.B. Kang, Z.X. Chen, S.Y. Fu, X.M Wang, A. Korth, R.H.W. Friedel, Q.G. Zong, and Z.X. Liu, Configuration Instability in the Near-Earth Tail: A Synthesis of Reconnection and Current Disruption Models in the Global Initiation of Substorms, in Proceedings of International Conference on Substorms-4, pp.405-408, Terra Scientific Publishing Company (Tokyo) and the Kluwer Academic Publishers (Dordrecht, London, and Boston), 1998.

  [28] 濮祖荫、康孔斌、洪明华、陈祖幸、傅绥燕、宗秋刚、刘振兴、A. Korth, R.H.W., Friedel、磁层亚暴的中磁尾-近磁尾-极区电离层全球模型,空间物理前沿进展:北京大学100周年校庆文集,pp.148-175, 濮祖荫主编,气象出版社,1998.

  [29]Zong, Q.-G., B. Wilken, S. Y. Fu , T. Doke, and S. Kokubun, Energetic oxygen? ions in the magnetosheath in the negative Bz phase of the? CME? on January 10, 1997, Adv. Space Res., 25, 2421-2424, 1999.

  [30] Pu, Z.Y., K.B. Kang, A. Korth, S.Y. Fu,,Q.G. Zong, M.H, Hong, Z.X. Liu, C.G. Mouikis, R.W.H. Friedel, and T. Pulkknien, Drift ballooning instability in the presence of a plasma flow: A synthesis of tail reconnection and current disruption for the initiation of substorms, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 10235-10248, 1999. ?[SCI192BQ]

  [31] PU Zu-yin(濮祖荫), KANG Kong-bin(康孔斌), FU Sui-yan(傅绥燕), CHEN Zu-xing(陈祖幸), XU Tao(徐涛), HONG Ming-hua(洪明华), WANG Xian-min(王宪民), ZONG Qiu-gang(宗秋刚), LIU Zhen-xing(刘振兴),A Synthesizing Tail Reconnection and Current Disruption Model for Substorm Initiation, Chinese Physics Letters, 1999, ISSN 0256-307X: 226-230.

  [32] 宗秋刚、濮祖荫、傅绥燕、叶宗海、余彬,“极区粒子沉降:谱形式及其在极区大气中的传输”,极地研究,11. p.203, 1999. *

  [33] 焦维新、濮祖荫、方晓华,傅绥燕,南大西洋异常区的辐射环境与低轨卫星粒子辐射通量计算,地球物理学报,42, 163-168,1999? [SCI247MA]. ?

  [34] 濮祖荫, 余 ?彬, 谢? 伦, 焦维新, 宗秋刚, 傅绥燕, 磁层高能电子暴, 中国科学(A),30,增刊,127-130,2000..

  [35]Q. G. Zong, B. Wilken, S. Y. Fu and Z. -Y. Pu Energetic Oxygen Ions Soundingthe Magnetopause Multiscale/ Multipoint Plasma Measurements ESA SP-449,P. 379-385, 2000

  [36]Zong, Q.-G., B. Wilken, and? S. Y. Fu , Nonlinear effects of the magnetotail? particle motion in time-dependent electric field, ?Astrophysics and Space Science, 747-754, 2000.

  [37] 傅绥燕,濮祖荫,宗秋刚,肖池阶,B. Wilken,“大磁暴环电流离子成分的变化及其与磁暴演化的关系”,地球物理学报, 44,1,2001, * (英文版:Ion Composition Variations in Intense Magnetic Storms and Their relation to Storm Evolution,Fu Suiyan,Pu Zuyin,Zong Qiugang,Xiao Chijie,Xie lun,and B.Wilken, Chinese, J. Geophysics, 44, 2001).? [SCI415CA]

  [38] S.Y. Fu, Q.G. Zong, B. Wilken, Z.Y. Pu, Temporal and spatial variation of the

  ion composition in the ring current, Space Sci. Rev., in Special Issue" Challenge to Long-standing Unsolved Space Physics Problems in the 20th Century", ed. by C. de Jager & S. Akasofu, 95, 539-554, 2001. ?[SCI 391PU]

  [39] Pu, Z. Y., A. Korth, Z. X. Chen, Z. X. Liu, S. Y. Fu, G. Zong, M. H. Hong, X. M. Wang, A Global Synthesis Model of Dipolarization at Substorm Expansion Onset, ?J. Atmospere Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 63,671-681,2001. [SCI432EM]

  [40] Zong, Q.G., B. Wilken, S. Y. Fu, T. A. Fritz, D. J. Williams, and Z. Y. Pu,? Ring current oxygen ions escaping into the magnetosheath, J. Geophys. Res., 106, p.25541-25556,2001. [SCI490JT]

  [41] 宗秋刚、傅绥燕、濮祖荫、B. Wilken, 磁尾等离子体结构:GEOTAIL 观测,刘振兴、叶永煊主编:空间物理进展(第三卷),pp.124-164, 2001.

  [42] 宗秋刚, 濮祖荫、黄宗英、傅绥燕、B.Wilken,磁层氧离子向磁鞘泄漏的机制和效应,空间科学学报,21,p219-229,2001.

  [43] S.Y. Fu, B. Wilken, Q. G. Zong, Z. Y. Pu, ?Ion composition variation in the inner magnetosphere-Individual and collective storm effects in 1991, J. Geophys. Res.. Vol. 106 , No. A12 , p. 29,683,?? 2001? [SCI519LV]

  [44]Jin, S. P., X. P. Hu, Q.-G. Zong, S. Y. Fu, B.Wilken and J. Buchner, A 2.5 dimensional MHD simulation of multiple-plasmoid-like structures in the course of a substorm, J. Geophy. Res., Vol. 106 , No. A12 , p. 29,807, 2001. [SCI519LV]

  [45] Fu, S.Y., Q.G. Zong, T.A. Fritz, Z.Y. Pu, B. Wilken, Composition signature in ion injections and its dependence on geomagnetic conditions ?J. Geophys. Res., 107(0), 10.1029/2001JA002006, 2002. [SCI]

  [46] S.Y. Fu, Q.G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu and L. Xie, Geomegnetic and solar cycle dependence of the ring current ions., COSPAR Colloqium series Volume 14, Beijing, 421-427,ed. H.N. Wang and R. L. Xu, 2002,

  [47]刘绍亮,郭建广,宗秋刚, B.Wilken, 傅绥燕, 1994年2月21日行星际激波引起的磁暴,空间科学学报,22,p203-211, 2002.

  [48] Q.-G. Zong, T. A. Fritz, S. Y. Fu, Z.Y. Pu and P.Daly, Energetic Ions in the High latitude Magnetosphere During the Leading Phase of A CME, 359-369, COSPAR Colloqium series Volume 14, 2002.

  [49] Z.Y. Pu, L. Xie, X.H. Fang, W.X. Jiao S.Y. Fu? and Q.G. Zong? Drift Shell Tracing and Secular Variation of inner Radiation Enviroment in the SAA Region. 353-358, COSPAR Colloqium series Volume 14,2002

  [50] L.Xie, Z.Y. Pu, B. Yu, S.Y. Fu, Q.G. Zong and J. N. Tu, Injection of Intense Storm Ring Current Ions COSPAR Colloqium series Volume 14,2002

  [51] Q.-G. Zong, T. A. Fritz, S. Y. Fu, H. U. Frey,H. Spence, H. Petschek,S. B.Mende, A. Korth and P. W. Daly, The Reverse Convection and Cusp Proton Aurora: Cluster, Polar and Imager Observation?? Adv. Space Res., VOL27, No.12, in press, 2002

  [52] 傅绥燕,宗秋刚,濮祖荫,刘文龙,地磁活动与太阳活动对于环电流离子成分与位置的影响,地球物理学报,46(6),725-730, 2003 (英文版:Effect of geomagnetic activity and solar-cycle variation on the ring current ions,Fu Suiyan,Zong Qiugang ,Pu Zuyin,,Liu Wenlong, Chinese, J. Geophysics, 46, 2003

  [54]谢? 伦,濮祖荫,周煦之,傅绥燕,宗秋刚, 磁暴环电流形成过程,科学通报, 2004,Vol.49 (6), 603? ((L.Xie, Z.Y.Pu, X.Z.Zhou, S.Y.Fu, Q.G. Zong, T. Fritz, ENERGETIC ION INJECTION AND FORMATION OF THE STORM-TIME RING CURRENT)

  [55] Q.-G. Zong, T. A. Fritz, Z.Y. Pu, S. Y. Fu,? D. N. Baker, H. Zhang, A.T. Lui,? I. Vogiatzis, K.H. Glassmeier, A. Korth, P. W. Daly, A. Balogh, and H. Reme, Cluster observations of earthward flowing plasmoid in the tail? Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol.31, L18803, doi:10.1029/2004GL020692, 2004

  [56]濮祖荫, 史全岐,肖池阶,傅绥燕,张慧,涡旋重联的 Hall-MHD模拟及其在高纬磁层顶的应用, 中国科学 E 辑, 2004, 34(7):804-817 (英文版:Simulation studies of high-latitude magnetospheric boundary dynamics,? PU Zuyin, SHI Quanqi, XIAO Chijie, Fu, Suiyan, Zhang Hui, Zong Qiugang and LIU Zhenxin. Science in China Ser E, 2004, Vol 47, No.4, 421-435)

  [57]黄宗英, 濮祖荫,肖池阶,宗秋刚,傅绥燕,谢? 伦,史全岐, 曹晋滨,刘振兴,沈? 超, 史建魁,? 路? 立,王迺权,陈? 涛,? T. Fritz,? K.-H. Glassmeier, P. Daly,Reme, 2001年1月26日高纬磁层顶通量管事件的观测研究(I), 地球物理学,Vol.47, 181-190,2004.( HUANG Zong-Ying, PU Zu-Yin, XIAO Chi-Jie, et al., Multiple Flux Rope Events at the High-Latitude Magneto-Pause: Cluster/Rapid Observation on January 26, 2001, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS Vol.47(2), 197, 2004

  [58]肖池阶, 濮祖荫,黄宗英 等, 2001年1月26日高纬磁层顶通量管事件的观测研究——空间电流密度计算分析,地球物理学报,47(4), 555-561, 2004。(XIAO Chi-Jie, PU Zu-Yin, HUANG Zong-Ying, et al., Multiple Flux Rope Events at the High-Latitude Magnetopause On January 26, 2001: Current Density Calculation, CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICS Vol.47(4), 635, 2004)

  [59] Xiao,C. J.,Z. Y. Pu, Z. W. Ma, S.Y. Fu, Z. Y. Huang, and Q. G. Zong, Inferring of flux rope orientation with the minimum variance analysis technique, to be published in J. Geophys. Res.,109 (A11): Art. No. A11218 NOV 27 2004

  [60]McKenna-Lawlor, S; Balaz, J; Strharsky, I; et al. The energetic NeUtral Atom Detector Unit (NUADU) for China's Double Star Mission and its calibration, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT, 530 (3): 311-322 SEP 11 2004

  [61] Fu, S.Y., Q.G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu , C.J. Xiao, P. Daly, H.Reme,Energetic Particles in the Cusp Region during a storm recovery phase, Survey of Geophysics, DOI: 10.1007/s10712-005-1881-5 , Volume 26, January 2005, 241 - 254

  [62]Ruan, P., S. Y. Fu, Q.-G. Zong, Z. Y. Pu, X. Cao, W. L. Liu, X. Z. Zhou, and P. W. Daly, Ion composition variations in the plasma sheet observed by Cluster/RAPID, Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 32, L01105, doi:10.1029/2004GL021266, 2005.

  [63] Liu, W. L. , S. Y. Fu, Q. G. Zong, Z. Y. Pu, J.Yang, P. Ruan, P. W. Daly, Variations of N+/O+ in the ring current during magnetic storms, Geophys. Res. Lett.,Vol.32, ?L15102, doi:10.1029/2005GL023038, 2005

  [64]杨剑, 傅绥燕,刘文龙, 阮鹏, 濮祖荫, P.Daly? 王永福,等离子体片中能量离子的空间分布------Cluster/RAPID观测数据分析, 地球物理学报,48(6):1226-1232,2005

  (英文版:Spatial distribution of energetic ion compositions in the plasma sheet observed by Cluster/ RAPID, Yang Jian, Fu Suiyan,Liu Wenlong,Pu Zuyin, Chinese, J. Geophysics, 2005)

  [65 Pu ZY, Xie L, Jiao WX, et al. Drift shell tracing and secular variation of inner zone high energy proton environment in the SAA ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 36 (10): 1973-1978 Sp. Iss. 2005 2005

  [66]谢伦,濮祖荫,焦维新,傅绥燕, 南大西洋异常区内辐射带高能质子辐射环境长期变化的研究, 中国科学,D辑, 35(6), 1-6, 2005.

  [67]Xie, L., Pu, Z. Y. & Lu, Y., in K. Dere, J. Wang, & Y.Yan (eds.) Coronal and Stellar Mass Ejection, Proc. IAU Symp. 226, Camb. Univ. Press, p.458, 2005

  [68]Shi, Q. Q. Z. Y. Pu, C. J. Xiao, S. Y. Fu, H. Zhang, Q. G. Zong, T. Fritz and Z. X. Liu, Simulation Studies of High-Latitude Magnetospheric Boundary Dynamics, Survey of Geophysics, 26,369-386, 2005.

  [69]Pu Z.Y., Q.G. Zong, T. Fritz , C.J. Xiao, Z.Y. Huang, S.Y. Fu , Q.Q. Shi , M.W. Dunlop, K.-H. Glassmeier, A. Balogh, P. Daly, J.B. Cao,Z.X. Liu and J.K. Shi, Multiple flux rope events at the high-latitude magnetopause: Cluster/RAPID Observation on January 26,2001, Survey of Geophysics, 26,193-214,, 2005.

  [70]Zhang Hui, Pu Zu-Yin,Cao Xin, Fu Sui-Yan, et al., Correlation between Continuous Lobe Reconnection in the Mid Magnetotail and Substorm Expansion Onset, Chinese Sci. Bull., Vol. 50, 1, 1-10, 2005

  [71]Cao, X., Z. Y. Pu, H. Zhang, S. Y. Fu et al., Continuous lobe reconnection in the mid-tail and its relationship to substorms: Cluster observations of continuous lobe reconnection in the mid-magneto tail, Chinese Sci. Bull., Vol.50, 18, 2015-2021, 2005.

  [72]Pu, Z. Y., C. J. Xiao, X. G. Zhang, Z. Y. Huang, S. Y. Fu et a.,Double Star TC-1 observation of component reconnection at the dayside magnetopause : A preliminary study, Ann. Geophys. Special Issue for Double Star Mission, 23, 2889-2895, 2005

  [73]C. J. Xiao, X. G. Wang, Z. Y. Pu, H. Zhao, J. X. Wang, Z. W. Ma, S. Y. Fu, M. G. Kivelson, N,Z. X. Liu, Q. G. Zong, K. H. Glassmeier, A. Balogh, A. Korth, H. Reme, and C. P. Escoubet, In situ evidence for the structure of the magnetic null in a 3D reconnection event in the Earth’s magnetotail. NaturePhysics, 2(7), 478-483, Volume 2,July,2006

  [74] Zong QG, T. A. Fritz H. Zhang,S.Y. Fu, X.Z. Zhou, M.L. Goldstein, P.W. Daly, H. Reme, A. Balogh, N. Fazakerley, The Magnetospheric cusp: structure and dymanics, Advance in Geoscience - ST 2, 2006 , p173-189

  [75] S.Y. Fu and Q.G. Zong,? Energetic particle composition signatures in the earth magnetotail, Advances in Geosciences,-ST2, p143-161, 2006

  [76]Xie L, Pu ZY, Zhou XZ, et al. Energetic ion injection and formation of the storm-time symmetric ring current Ann. Geophys. 24 (12): 3547-3556 2006

  [77] C. J. Xiao, Z. Y. Pu, X. G. Wang, Z. W. Ma, S. Y. Fu, T. D. Phan, Q. G. Zong, Z. X. Liu, M. W. Dunlop, K.-H. Glassmeier, A. Balogh, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, and C. P. Escoubet, A Cluster measurement of fast magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail, Geophys. Res. Lett.,34, L01101, doi:10.1029/ 2006GL028006,2007

  [78] H. Zhang, Z. Y. Pu, X. Cao, S. Y. Fu, Z. X. Liu, Z. W. Ma, M. W. Dunlop, W. Baumjohann, C. J. Xiao, M. H. Hong, J. B. Cao, Q. G. Zong, X. G. Wang, C. Carr, H. A. Re`me, I. Dandouras, A. Fazakerley, H. U. Frey, and C. P. Escoubet,TC-1 observations of flux pileup and dipolarization-associated expansion in the near-Earth magnetotail during substorms? Geophys. Res. Lett., VOL. 34, L03104, doi:10.1029/2006GL028326, 2007

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  [83] Zong, Q.-G., S. Y. Fu, D. N. Baker, M. L. Goldstein, P. Song,J. A. Slavin,T. A. Fritz, O. Amm, H. Frey, A. Korth, P. W. Daly, , H. Reme and A. Pedersen,Earthward Flowing Plasmoid: Structure and Its Related Ionospheric Signature,J. Geophys. Res., 112, A07203, doi:10.1029/2006JA012112,2007.

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  [87]J.-S. He, Q.-G. Zong, X.-H. Deng, C.-Y. Tu, C.-J. Xiao, X.-G. Wang, Z.-W. Ma, Z.-Y. Pu, E. Lucek, A. Pedersen, A. Fazakerley, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin, M. W. Dunlop, H. Tian, S. Yao, B. Tan,1 S.-Y. Fu, K.-H. Glassmeier, H. Reme, I. Dandouras, and C. P. Escoubet, Electron trapping around a magnetic null,Geophys. Res. Lett. VOL. 35, L14104, doi:10.1029/2008GL034085, 2008

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  ************************ 1998*********************************************

  [1] S.Y. Fu, B. Wilken, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, Energetic particles during large storms, EGS 1998, , April, 1998, Nice, France (Poster)

  ************************ 1999 *********************************************

  [2] S.Y. Fu, B. Wilken, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, Injected energetic ions at L3—4 during the early main phase of the large magnetic storm on 24 March, 1991, IUGG/IAGA,? August, 1999, Birmingham, England, (Poster)

  [3] B. Wilken Q. G. Zong S. Y. Fu, S. Livi U. Mall M. Grand, T. Frit, Magnetosheath Oxygen and Magnetsphere Particle Transport, IUGG/IAGA, August,1999, Birmingham, England (Oral)

  ************************ 2001 *********************************************

  [4] S.Y. Fu, B. Wilken, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, Composition Signitures in Substorm Injections, EGS 2001 , Nice, France? (Oral)

  [5] S.Y. Fu, B. Wilken, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, Solar-cycle dependence of the ring current ions, COSPAR Coloqium, October, 2001,? Beijing, China (Oral)

  ************************ 2002 *********************************************

  [6]S.Y. Fu, Q.G. Zong, B. Wilken, The? oxygen ions in the magnetosphere, Double-Star workshop, Weifang, China, September, 2002,(Oral)

  [7]S.Y. Fu, Q.G. Zong, Z.Y. Fu, C.J. Xiao, P. Daly, Energetic Particles? Observed in the Cusp Region during a Storm Recovery Phase,AGU Fall Meeting, 6-10 December, 2002? San Francisco, USA (Poster)

  ************************ 2003 *********************************************

  [8]S.Y. Fu, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, C.J. Xiao, P. Daly, Energetic particles embedding in the magnetic structures in the plasmasheet, EGS 2003 , Nice, France (Poster)

  [9]S.Y. Fu ,Q.-G. Zong, Z. Y. Pu , P. Ruan, C. J. Xiao, P. Daly , Energetic Particles Embedding in Magnetic Structures in the Magnetotail----Preliminary Results of RAPID/CLUSTERII, Shanghai, China, October, 2003 (Oral

  ************************ 2004 *********************************************

  [10]S.Y. Fu, W.L. Liu,Q.G. Zong, Z.Y. Fu, R.Peng, P. Daly, Geomagnetic Activity Dependence of the Ratio N+/O+ in the Ring Current ,AGU Fall Meeting, 12-17 December, 2004? San Francisco, USA (Poster)

  [11]S.Y. Fu, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, C.J. Xiao, P. Daly, Energetic particles embedding in the magnetic structures in the plasmasheet,AOGS Meeting,2004, Singapore (Invited talk)

  [12]S.Y. Fu, R.Peng, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, W. L. Liu and P. Daly,? Energetic Oxygen Ions in the Earth Plasma Sheet---- CLUSTER Observations, DSP-Cluster Workshop, Beijing, Nov 8-10, 2004? (Oral)

  ************************ 2005 *********************************************

  [13]S.Y. Fu, J. Huang, W.L. Liu,Q.G. Zong, Z.Y. Fu, Location and Shape of the Earth Magnetopause at Low-latitude and High-latitude, AGU Fall Meeting, 12-17 December, 2005? San Francisco, USA (Poster)

  [14]S.Y. Fu, P.? Ruan, Q.-G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, J. Yang , W. L. Liu , L.Y. Dong, P. Daly? A. Korth, Statistic Results of the Energetic Particles and Earthward High Speed Flows in the Plasma Sheet---- CLUSTER Observations, AOGS Meeting,2005, Singapore (Invited talk)

  [15]S.Y. Fu, R.Peng, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, W. L. Liu and P. Daly, Method in calculating the pitch angle distribution of ions from CLUSTER/RAPID, RAPID Team meeting, Beijing, May 8-10, 2005? (Oral)

  [16]S.Y. Fu, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, and P. Daly, Case study for oxygen ions in the plasma sheet embedded in magnetic filed structures, RAPID Team meeting, Goslar, Germany, Oct.27-29, 2005? (Oral)

  [17] S.Y. Fu, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, and P. Daly,Preliminary study of plasmoids? observed close to the Earth based on Cluster, Macau, Nov.21-24, 2005 (oral)

  ************************ 2006 *********************************************

  [18] Fu, S.Y et al. (2006), Preliminary study of energetic particles embedded in magnetic structures observed in the near Earth plasmasheet . ICS8, April, 2006, Banff, Canada (poster)

  [19] S.Y. Fu, Q.,G. Zong, Z.Y. Pu, and P. Daly,, Preliminary study of plasmoids observed close to the Earth based on Cluster, COSPAR, July, 2006, Beijing (oral)

  [20] Fu, S.Y et al. (2006), Statistic Results of the Energetic Particles in the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl. , Abstract SM24C-0159 (oral)

  ************************ 2007 *********************************************

  [21]S.Y. Fu, Q.G. Zong, Z.Y. Fu, A.Korth, P. A. Daly, Magnetic Structures with Rich Oxygen Ions

  Observed in the near Earth Plasmasheet, AGU Fall Meeting, 9-14 December, 2007 San Francisco, USA (Poster)

  [22] Fu, S.Y et al. , Preliminary study of plasmoids and BBFs observed close to the Earth,

  Cluster-DSP Workshop, October, 2007, Shanghai (oral)

  [23] S.Y. Fu, Q.G. Zong, Z.Y. Fu, A.Korth, P. A. Daly, BBF with Rich Ionospheric Ions observed by Cluster and Double Star, EGU, 2007, Vienna

  ************************ 2008 *********************************************

  [24]Fu, S.Y. Oxygen ions in the Earth Magnetosphere, Tutorial talk in IHY, Oct. 2008, Beijing, China (oral)

  [25]Fu, S.Y. and KuaFu Team, KuaFu Mission: Solar Storm, Auroral and Space Weather Explorer, ERG, SCOPE and Beyond, Nov. 2008, Tokyo, Japan (oral)



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