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2015.08.30 23:37



  (1) 理解主旨要义: 它要求我们对听到的内容有一个整体的把握和全面的领会, 理解说话者究竟在说什么。任何一段对话或独白都是围绕一个中心展开的, 有时主旨大意较明显, 有时则需要归纳和概括。

  (2) 获取事实性的具体信息: 它要求我们听清、听懂与话题中心相关的具体信息, 准确理解具体细节,如时间、地点、人物、价钱、数量、目的、原因、结果等。同时, 还要求我们对所听到的信息进行简单的处理, 比如数字运算、时间排序、比较筛选、同义转换等。

  (3) 对所听内容做出简单推断: 它要求我们从对话或独白的话题和语气中来推断出对话双方(或说话人)的职业或身份, 彼此之间(或与他人)的关系, 对话发生的时间、地点或场合等。

  (4) 理解说话者的意图、观点或态度: 它要求我们从话语中听出“弦外之音”, 也就是揣摩说话人的意图、观点或态度。从最近几年高考试题分析可归纳以下几个考点:

  考点1: 推理、判断和归纳类

  考例: What can we infer from the conversation? (2008闽、苏、皖、赣卷)

  A. Jane has just learned to drive. B. Jane’s car is in bad condition.

  C. Mike will go to the airport.

  听力原文: W: Listen, Mike, I’ve got a really problem.

  M: What is it?

  W: The car is broken down.

  M: Oh, now again.

  W: Yeah, I checked the oil, and I checked almost everything. I’t’s just not starting at all.

  解析: 根据 “The car is broken down. I’t’s just not starting at all.”可以判断正确的答案。

  考例: What does the man imply? (2007湖南卷)

  A. He got help from the woman. B. He needed more time to study.

  C. He worked hard for his composition.

  听力原文: W: Congratulations! I heard that you did an excellent job on your composition.

  M: Thanks. I've put a lot of time into it.

  解析: 好成绩的取得当然与努力付出有关。所以本题毫无疑问,答案为C。

  判断要通过两种途径实现: 一是充分利用各题仅有的5秒钟快速阅读选项, 这样一来,在听录音时就更容易抓住重点;二是对所给的信息进行判断分析。该类型题目要求应试者推测出某些细节的结果或对某些细节进行比较。在听的过程中尽快浏览各选择项,以便做出某些预测;运用常识猜测某个细节可能有的结果。常见的提问方式有: 1. What do we learn from the conversation? / 2. What does the conversation tell us? / 3. What is the man doing? / 4. What does the man mean? / 5. What happened to the woman? / 6. What can we conclude from the man’s reply?

   考点2: 人物及人物之间关系判断类

  考例: What is the probably relationship between the two speakers? (2007湖南卷)

  A. Husband and wife B. Passenger and driver C. Salesgirl and customer

  听力原文:W: Oh, my goodness. You must have left the book in a taxi. It’s a very good book, you know.

  M: But I tell you I didn’t take it. I remember clearly. Did you put it in our bedroom? Er, yes, on your dressing table.

  解析:此题考查对话人物身份。根据对话中“Did you put it in our bedroom?”中 “our”就可以推断出是“夫妻”之间的对话。

  判断人物身份类试题必须根据说话人在特定情景中交谈时所使用的特定的语调及关键词才能作出正确选择。高考的听力对话不外乎下面几种情景:师生;师师;医生与病人;售货员与顾客;警察与司机;老板与职员;记者与被采访者;家长与儿女等。只要考生紧紧抓住相关的关键信息,这类题便能迎刃而解。常见的提问方式有: What is the person’s probable job? / Who are the speakers? / What is the relationship between the two speakers? / Who is the woman / man speaking to?

  关键词: Customer and shop-assistant: sale, discount, size, style, fashion, price.

  Professor / teacher and student

  course, assignment, term, paper, mid-exam, final, summer, course, grade, quiz, vacation

  Customer and waiter / waitress

  menu, order, dessert, delicious, taste, bill

  Doctor and patient

  headache, stomachache, backache ,catch a cold, flu, running nose ,fever, temperature, check-up , take one’s temperature, blood, pressure, medicine, pill, operation, recover.

  Postman and customer



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